(Chapter 5) Marriage

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* Incredible amount of making out *

~~Time Skip~~

They laid there, in each other's arms, sheets covering their body from being exposed to the afternoon. Akaashi's subtle smile suddenly turned into a frown.



"Fine. Koutarou?"


"We're still in bed."

"You say it like it's a bad thing."

Akaashi got himself up, dragged his unwilling ass to the kitchen as Bokuto complained.

"Akaaaaashi! I'm cold!"

"Wear an underwear then"

"What about you?! You're wearing only that!!

"Damattekudasai. (Please shut up.)"

Akaashi then came back wearing an oversized sweater, bringing two mugs of tea. (Couple mugs as a gift from Kuroo on their 2nd Anniversary)

Bokuto smiled and sat up.

"Bokuto-san, I told you to wear some clothes."

"I can't choose between 'Bokuto-san' and 'Koutarou' though. Both are refreshing.."

"Koutarou! Kitennokai?! (Are you listening?!)"

".. refreshing..."

Akaashi just gave up on making his husband wear clothes. There was only one thing that was running on his mind.

I sinned.

No, he wasn't thinking about the heat of last night.

"Anata.. (It's supposed to mean 'you', but then it's used by women to call their husbands)"

"Wow..! That's a whole new level of refreshing!! C'mere.."

Bokuto grabbed the younger one into his arms and showered him with kisses. Akaashi, instead of resisting like he usually does when Bokuto doesn't listen to him, just pouted (unintentionally) and laid his head on his bare chest.

" 'Kaashi.. what's wrong?"


Bokuto grabbed Akaashi's face and looked into his eyes intently. Akaashi watched as he kept switching his look on either eye, observing the beauty in it. It felt like he was searching something in his pupils.

"What's wrong?"

"I.. Bokuto-san, .. I.."

"Hm yeah, I'm listening..."

Bokuto's gentle voice cooed into his ears. Akaashi loves that feeling he gets whenever the ace does that. He wiggled his face out of Bokuto's grip, making him put his hands limply on his crossed legs. But he wouldn't remove his eyes off Akaashi.

"I lied, Bokuto-san"

"Eh? About what?"

"I didn't tell my parents. They don't know that I'm gay."

"..but.. why?"

Akaashi cringed at the worry on Bokuto's face. It doesn't suit him. It's just..wrong on his face.

"They kept telling me to get a partner..."

"And you did."

"..who is a girl."


"They were too happy whenever I even spoke to our volleyball manager. I just couldn't tell them... They would have probably disowned me."

"So tell them now."


"Tell them that they can't disown you cuz I am your owner.", Bokuto said with a serious expression on his face, lifting Akaashi's hand that wears his ring, for both of them to see.

Akaashi sadly smiled, genuinely wishing he could oblige to his husband's words. He wordlessly placed his head on Bokuto's lap, making him, in turn, caress his head. He absent-mindedly played with his ears.

"That tickles.."

"You're mine Akaashi."

Akaashi looked up to see Bokuto looking at him with the same sincere eyes he saw years ago.

"Be mine, Akaashi."

And like Bokuto read his thoughts, he said, "I made you mine exactly four years ago. Mine, and no one else's."

Akaashi sat up, totally indulged in Bokuto's words.

"Call me rude, but not even your parents own you. I don't disrespect them; call me selfish, but you're mine. I wanna tell the whole world that, and to keep their noses outta this."

Tears threatened to fall from the pretty eyes. Akaashi never cries. Almost never. 'Almost', due to this. Next thing he knows, he was sobbing.

Bokuto held him impossibly close, as Akaashi made tiny whiny sounds (which were out-of-the-world cute). Bokuto patted his head, saying nothing but occasional "there, there"s and "okay, okay"s.

Akaashi has always dreamt of a world where only him and Bokuto are there. Akaashi for Bokuto, and Bokuto for Akaashi. That world was perfect, but non-existent.

On the other side, Bokuto often thinks about how, in the world that bears 7.8 billion humans, only one: Akaashi Keiji, is perfect for him. They belong to each other, and the bond between them is the most perfect thing in the world.

"Tell them that, Akaashi. Tell them that I can't live without you. Tell them that taking you away from me, is basically killing one person."

"Two.", Akaashi corrected. "Two persons."

The mere thought of it made Bokuto scowl. It made him sad, angry, and so many other things that were just not right."

Why would anyone break the most perfect thing in the world?


(A/N: It's Sunday, I deserved some rest, so I'm not sorry that I'm late. But I am sorry about not writing smut. I just didn't think I should do it now. I'll probably write some later tho, so ppl who were looking forward to this chap with drool on your face, I'm sorry, but you'll get what you wanted some time later. Luv youus <33)

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