(Chapter 26) Pic Perfect

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(A/N: I'm horrible and I didn't update for two whole days. But I'm also sorry •́  ‿ ,•̀  Gimme another chance, pwease- wuv u gwuys<3)

    They sat there, holding hands, in what seemed to be eternal silence - until Bokuto spoke up "because he just can't shut up" as Akaashi explains it.



"If I were to live as long as I love you,.."

    Akaashi faced him, bracing himself for some upcoming stupidity (cuteness*).

".. I would be immortal, wouldn't I?"

    While Akaashi was attacked by the sweetness of that thought, Bokuto simply found it natural and just 'wow'ed at his supernatural dreams. 

    Akaashi watched Bokuto almost jumping in his seat, eyes wide and excited. He was such a big baby. He seemed to be lost in his thoughts for a while until he piped up again.

"And! And! If I was to get money for how much I love you, I'd be the richest man in the world..!!"

    Akaashi chuckled and shook his head at his lap.


    Bokuto turned to face Akaashi as a response to the voice. And then he saw a beautiful sight that had to be captured.

"Akaashi!! Don't move..!! One sec!"

    Akaashi obeyed and froze (it was pretty impressive; ppl might've thot he was a statue).

    Bokuto frantically dug in his pockets and took out his phone and fumbled with it.


(Okay I found the perfect pic again, but I think I should start finding pics first and then write

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(Okay I found the perfect pic again, but I think I should start finding pics first and then write.. cuz it might not always be accurate. Credits to the artists whose pics I've used like it's my own.)

    Akaashi tilted his head towards Bokuto right before the snap, out of curiosity. And the picture turned out GREAT (as you clearly see).

    But that was uncalled for. Akaashi doesn't really like taking pictures. Sure, he loves photography - just not of himself.

"Bokuto-san, that's not fair.."

    Bokuto just stared at his phone, completely immersed in the image.

"But Keiji look! You look so handsome..!!"

    Akaashi blushed and bit and aLmOst pouted.

"Then.." he started as he grabbed the device from the ace.

"..smile." he said from behind the phone. Bokuto obliged and smiled brightly.

"Now it's fair"  Akaashi looked at the phone to see how it came out

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"Now it's fair"  Akaashi looked at the phone to see how it came out.

     Bokuto pouted.

"But Keiji..! You're the pretty one!"

"That's so not true Bokuto-san, look how cute you are."

     Akaashi shoved the phone into Bokuto's face as he said that. Bokuto's went wide - eyed in surprise. Not at how good the photo came out.

"Akaashi, say that again..?"

Great. I was relieved for a thick second thinking that he didn't hear me.


"Oh c'mon Keiji! You say sweet stuff but then you deny it..! Why?? It's cute..!!"

"Because you'll turn into a loud, annoying fanboy if I do that."

"I won't! I promise..!"

     Akaashi sighed and looked away from the golden eyes that seemed to be able to read him like an open book. And he is anything but that.

"Y- you're cute. You're extremely cute that you make me wanna pinch your cheeks."

     Bokuto couldn't process what he just heard. Akaashi definitely complimented on his volleyball skills, but this was more personal. He blinked for a while at how adorable his husband was being.

     He was about to squeal but then remembered something.

"Because you'll turn into a loud annoying fanboy.."


He's not wrong.

     He looked at the side of Akaashi's face, as the setter refused to look at him.
So he silently planted a kiss on his cheek, and tried to let out a calm voice.

"You're adorable."

     Akaashi flushed and got up. He still looked away, not wanting the ace to look at him blushing.

     Bokuto turned back into his gleeful self and stood up with him.

"Let's make a memoir now, shall we?"

     He grinned, holding the phone in front of them. He was about to change it to the front camera mode, but stopped when he saw two very familiar looking figures in the distance, walking towards them on the screen.

     He lowered the phone and raised his hand which wasn't holding it. Akaashi couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed.

Ah.. company.


(A/N: sorry, I have my grandparents over. Ye-)

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