(Chapter 22) Spring

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(Look at the pic above I'm dying of cuteness overload fucc)

     Sunlight pierced through his eyes as Akaashi opened them.

It's just 4:40.. why is it so bright..?

     He intended to wake up earlier today, but not this much. He pushed off the covers only from him, making sure he wasn't depriving the man beside him some warmth.

     His scratched his head slightly as he sat up, blinking hard, trying to get used to the light. He looked back at his husband and smiled.

He sleeps through anything huh.

      He looked so peaceful while sleeping. His usually energetic and loud self takes some rest.

      He walked to the window. They weren't living in a place where there was a beautiful scenery or anything. They're barely getting by. But behind their apartment, far away, was the sea. They lived near the coast.

      Slightly nearer than the sea, is a park. The park looks beautiful even without people in it.

     With the kids running around and giggling in the park, it felt so warm and bright. It has it's own traits.

     But with no one there, and the sky painted orange, a gentle breeze causing the leaves to rustle, and the only sound to be heard is your and your partner's steady breathing, and the occasional 'swoosh' when little squirrels swiftly run across the branches of the tree..

            .. it made his heart skip a beat as the love of his life slipped his hand into his own. They both looked away from each other, desperately trying to hide the blush creeping upon their faces.

     Akaashi looked on, reliving the memories as the Sakura tress blossomed.

Hello again, Spring.

     He sighed and sat on the bed, facing the Ace. His hair was unusually down - a sight only Akaashi sees. He shifted his bangs, and it fell to rest on the bridge of his nose. He made a mental note to get him to trim his hair.

     His bangs probably tickled him, for he squinted his already closed eyes, wrinkled his nose, and sleepily tapped on his own face.

     Akaashi smiled at the cuteness - a sight only Bokuto sees. He lifted up his bangs so that it won't disturb him.

     Then, knowing that Bokuto won't hear it, he said, "happy first month anniversary, Kou."


     It's been exactly one month since they exchanged the rings.

     Akaashi had his eyes glued onto his textbook as Bokuto kept bugging him.



"What kind of dreams do Owls get when they sleep?"

"Urusai, Bokuto-san."

"But, but.... But, Akaaaaashi..!"

     He pouted. He wanted his setter to pay some attention to him. It's their anniversary after all, even though it's a month anniversary.

     Could he not be so cold for one day? He couldn't believe Akaashi forgot and couldn't care less. But for the life of him, he couldn't get mad at the pretty owl.

"Fine! I'm going out!"

     Akaashi didn't say anything as he dressed up. When he opened the door to their room to leave, Akaashi finally spoke.

"Where are you going?"


"Out where?"

"Why do you care?"

Why would I not?

"Just don't tire yourself out."

     Bokuto softened at that. He seriously couldn't be mad at him. He walked over to his table, and kissed Akaashi's forehead.

"I'm bored, that's all. I'll be back soon."

     He flashed a smile at the younger boy before he left.

     Akaashi buried his face in his hands.

Did he forget?

     He rubbed his eyes, tired.

Wow I'm glad he did. Else, it wouldn't be much of a surprise.


(A/N: Okay, so my mom kinda got a deep cut on her finger on her RIGHT HAND.. so I had to help her for a lot of stuff, cuz I'm basically a rly nice prsn (bullshit. Don't trust me). And dats y dis be a short chap. Frustrating, ik. But I'm sorry, rly. I had no time to write!! Everyone is disturbing meh! Cho mean. I'll make up for dis wid a gud chap, so pls wait for me. Byee<33)

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