Chapter 4: Tell me more🌊

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Katara stands still, there is an awkward silence between them until "I'm waiting," Toph said in a happy, eager tone. "Nothing I just went on a walk," katara didn't mean sound all that convincing and Toph knew she was lying, "Katara did you forget I know when you lying," Toph reminded her. Katara then realised she couldn't lie and just tell Toph the truth, "Well you know the airbender boy, well I kinda met his bison and he snuck up on me and I cried in front of him and we hugged like TWICE and the we flew over the kingdom on Appa and he dropped me off on the balcony and here we are right now," Katara stood there blushing hard out and didn't hear anything from her friend. Toph looked up and out of nowhere burst out into the biggest laugh that you could here possible.

Katara just stood there in awe of what her friend thought, " And I thought you hated the selection," Toph said still trying to hold her laughter. " Oh, I still do but it's not that bad," Katara answered. The two laughed and talked more about life and memories, " Hey remember that time Sokka fell into that hole in the Earth Kingdom garden," Katara said with a little chuckle, "Yea I had to get him out using my earthbending to get him out," Toph reminded Katara, " Remember the legend of the Avatar our grandparents use to tell," " Yea, I thought it was all mumbo jumbo," Toph said while getting a glass of water, "Yea, your right it is just some story, but maybe it's real," Katara replied looking out the window to the moon.

A cloud of silence washed over the two girls as it was late and the two were really tired so they got into bed and just laid there talking until one of them fell asleep," So Toph what's the deal with my brother," Katara said with a smirk on her face, "Well for 6 months we were exchanging letters and well we made it official before you came out of nowhere," Toph said with full confidence. Katara sat up and looked at Toph with a surprised look, "WHAT," Katara yelled so loud her voice could be heard thorough the whole castle. "Well goodnight," and just like that Toph fell a sleep," Toph wake up, how dare you fall asleep in the middle of our conversation," Katara whispered but soon fell asleep to tiring her self out from thinking about what Toph just said. She knew things were gonna get out of hand and maybe bring her happiness something that disappeared along time ago.

Thank you everyone who has viewed the story
Chapter 5 will be out in a day or two😁
Sorry the chapters are really short I try my best to write as much 🙂

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