Chapter 9: I'm not ready🌊

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Katara needed time to herself for a while as everything in the past few weeks had come up so quickly. It was a week after her father's death and she wasn't taking it all to well, she needed him more the ever in a time like this. Sokka knocked on the door of the castle library, "Are you ready," Sokka said looking at his sister, "Yeah," Katara replied holding back a few tears.

The ceremony took place in the royal graveyard where all the past kings and queens were buried. They had placed Hakoda next to where their mother was, Katara crying as they lowered him 6 feet underground, Sokka had found comfort in Toph as he was snuggled up to her. Everyone else from the rest of the four nations was there too, which was helpful. The ceremony had ended and everyone was making there way back to the castle as some were leaving to return back to their kingdoms. As the royals left there deepest concerns towards the young royals.

The next day 

Katara sat at her desk going through letters and photos of the family she once knew. She heard a knock from the door which was the maid who and said her brother needed him in the throne room, so she rushed through the castle halls as soon as possible. She arrived and saw Zuko, Mai, Toph and Sokka waiting for her, "Finally you're here," Sokka said, "So what's this meeting about," Katara asked.

 "Princess it has been a pleasure getting a chance to come and be apart of the selection but I have found love and I wish to withdraw out of the competition," Zuko said as he held onto Mai's hand. Katara looked and saw her friend smile for the first time which made Katara understand were Zuko was coming from, "Then that's settled, Zuko you are no longer apart of the selection, I wish you all the best," Katara said. Mai ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug in existence, "Thank you Katara," Mai said as she embraced her friend. 

They waved Zuko and Mai goodbye as they left back to the Fire Nation, "We'll be back for the coronation," Yelled Mai from the airship as they boarded. 

The coronation was the last thing on everyone's mind as the princess had been through so much in the past weeks.

 Katara took a walk through the empty castle as everyone went home until the competition was back on. She needed to clear her head so she decided to walk through the garden, it was quiet but that was how she liked it. 

She sat as the sun began to set down on the kingdom as night began to follow, she went back inside as the cold night breeze brushed against her skin. Katara made her way to her room where she found letters on her desk. She sat down and opened each of them, they were letters from every nation giving there deepest sorrows towards the royal family. She was thankful that people showed their concerns but it all felt like it was out of pity. A knock came from her window as she was surprised to hear knowing who it was, it was Aang.

"Hey, Katara," the Airbender said as he gave her a soft side smile, "Aang you're back early, I thought you were supposed to be gone for one more week," she said as she questioned why he was back so soon, "I just felt like I couldn't leave you alone at a time like this, I mean you know because were frie-," before he could finish she had gone in for the biggest hug they had. He returned it and the two hugged for 2 minutes which was broken to the sound of her gran-gran knocking on the door, "wait here, I'll be back," Katara said rushing towards the door. 

"Hey, Gran-gran. What are you doing here?" Katara says questioning the older woman, "Well, Katara I have come to talk to you about your coronation ceremony," She replies. Katara was not ready for the conversation and especially not ready to be the queen she thought.


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