Chapter 20: GAME NIGHT🌊

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Everyone had departed and were told to meet back at the library in 1hour, "I'll bring the Snacks," Sokka shouted as he ran for the kitchen, "And I'll go make sure it's not just meats," Aang said as she ran after him.

"So what should we play?" Katara said as she and Toph went to her room, "Pai sho," Toph said even though she would be just 'watching'. 

"Were here!" Sokka said as him and Aang rushed in with a hand full of snacks, "So, what are we doing tonight?" Aang asked as he sat down on the floor, "Well, We got Pai sho, oh and a movie," Katara told the boys, "And before you ask I can still hear what is happening," Toph said before Sokka could open his mouth.

They had an awesome night with talking and laughing about old memories and jokes, "Oh, I remember one time I was about 4 and me and Katara was in the bath and she got out and I kept splashing her so she decided to freeze the water," Sokka said as everyone was laughing, "Hey, it was freezing cold," Sokka said pouting.

It was about 1 am and they all still had a little energy left, "So, what else should we do," Toph said as she laid on Sokka's lap, "I don't know, and I'm pretty sure everyone is tired," Aang spoke softly pointing to Sokka who had already fallen asleep.

"Well, goodnight guys," Toph said as she fell asleep, "Night," "Night," Aang and Katara said as they fell asleep too.

The Next Day

Katara and the others were gonna making their way to the air temple to speak and inform the King and Queen about the uprising war, "Are we there yet, fly makes me sick," Toph said gagging, "Were here Toph, Don't worry," Aang responded landing Appa.

 "Welcome back everyone," Junji said greeting her guest.

After a few greetings, they started to address the problem at hand, "Queen Junji and King Gyatso, we are on the verge of war with these people of an ancient civilisation, that is threatening the world to rule it." 

Katara said as the royals looked shocked, "Hm, You have the air nations full support as we are not big fans of violence but, we think we can be assets in helping with this battle," Gyatso said as shook Katara's hand, "Thank you so much," She responded,

They had spent the rest of the day at the air temple playing around and just enjoying themselves, "Aang? Is that you?" A male voice from behind appeared, "Kelsang! Long time no see," Aang replied hugging the stranger, "Oh, Kelsang meet Katara, Sokka and Toph," Aang said smiling, "Nice to meet you all," Kelsang said replying as he smiled at the group.

"You'll never guess who came back," Kelsang said as a girl from behind Aang came running and jumping into arms, "Oh Aang, I missed you so much," the girl said as she hugged Aang, "Heeeyyy, Kia," Aang said as he watched Katara burn holes into his eyes.

"Omg, and who might these people be, are they your servants," Kia asked as she smiled hanging onto Aangs arm. Aang let go and walked over to the group, "This is Toph, Sokka and Katara," Aang said as he chuckled nervously, "His girlfriend, nice to meet you," Katara said grabbing onto Aang tightly.

"So, Kia, I see you finally got your arrow," Kelsang said just to break the tension, "Oh yeah, I'm a full master now!" 

Emphasising on the words master as she looked at Katara,  " Wow, That must be special, I mean I should know I'm also a master of my element," Katara said as the two girls were a few inches away from each other, "Well, how about a friendly battle," Kia said as Katara immediately replied, "You're on!"

The girls got in their positions and started easy until they were going full-on, "Is that all you got," Kia said delivering blows left, right and centre, "Just getting warmed up," Katara said freezing Kia up in a sculpture of ice, "Let me down," She screamed and Katara did as she said letting her fall flat on the ground, "Whooo, go Katara!" Toph yelled as everyone stared at her.

Katara went over a put a hand out for Kia, who scoffed and pushed her hand away as she left, "Woah, you showed her," Kelsang said, "So, Aang who is she?" Katara asked as she stared at him with a glare, he sighed, "She was my betrothal for when I became king of the Southern Air Temple, But I was told I was the Avatar so the title went to my little sister." Katara looked shocked but was calm, "And she's obsessed with me," Aang said.

"Hey, Aang, Your back!" A voice was heard, and a little girl jumped down from the balcony, "Hi, I'm Kori, Aang's little sister," She bowed to Katara and the others who returned the gesture, "Very nice to meet you, Kori. I'm Katara and this is Toph and Sokka," She said as she smiled.

"Your Queen Katara," Kori's jaw dropped as she knew the water bending queen, "I've heard so much about you, and how you were a waterbending prodigy," Kori said as she jumped up and down, "Yep, That's me," Katara said as she spoke with the girl.

They spoke for hours until Kori gestured to her brother to kneel down to her level, "She pretty," Kori said nudging her brother while pointing at Katara, "I know," Aang said as he ruffled with her hair.


Thank you for reading

His sister is Ten years younger.

Stay tuned for more chapters coming🌊😁

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