"Can I join you guys," She said before Aang nodded, "So have you guys thought about a date yet," Katara said as the couple shot her an evil glare, "Must you ruin everything. We are relaxing now," Sokka said before repositioning himself back on the tree, "Yeah, we haven't had a relaxing day in months," Toph said. "Besides, it's been three days," she stated snuggling up to Sokka.
"Oh, I nearly forgot about the party. We'll hold it for tomorrow. I got to go send invites," Katara said getting up, "I'm coming," Toph said as she slid out of Sokka's grip, "We'll see you two later," Toph said as she followed katara to the castle.
"Hey, Sokka I never really got a chance to talk to you, like ever," Aang said to break the awkward silence, "Yeah, so you're the avatar," Sokka replied glaring at Aang, "Yes," he replied anxiously, "And aren't you supposed to travel the world, saving people and spirt stuff," Sokka said easying his stare, "Yeah but the monks told me that I should get a chance to enhance life and be happy while the world is at peace," He said as he looked up at the sky.
They sat there looking up at the sky and thinking, "So, did you and Toph get together," Aang asked which made Sokka glow a little with red, "Well, don't tell katara this but we were together for two years and I liked her since we were like ten," Sokka said, "and I decided, she's the one." He said looking at the clouds, "You know what I mean, they make you feel a certain way."
Aang looked up at the window where Katara's office was and watched her giggle at something Toph said, "Yeah, they do, don't they?" The boys sat there in silence just enjoying the quiet.
Meanwhile, as the girls were making there way up the stairs to the office they spoke and laughed about things that someone of royal status would love to hear, "So, who are you gonna invite?" Katara said as they made their way into the office, "Um, well obviously everyone from the fire nation because I haven't seen any of them in a while. My parents and other relatives, people from up north and I think that's it. I don't really know anyone from the Air Temples."
Toph explained to katara who wrote every letter to everyone and mailed it off, "So, why would you choose someone like my brother to marry," Katara asked, "I don't know, he's totally annoying and smells weird and is a total idiot," Toph said, "but, he's sweet and is kind and caring and when things were going rough with me and my parents he was there and I love him for that, he's my idiot," she said.
Katara knew they would be right for each other as she saw their friendship blossom into a beautiful relationship, "So, what's up with you and twinkle toes, how was the date?" Toph said giving an evil smirk at Katara who blushed a bright red.
"It was nice, we talked and ate on this nice island by the south and ended the night with walking on the beach," she said as Toph looked impressed, "Twinkle toes got skills," she said as she giggled at what she said, they chatted a little longer as they spoke about there life until Katara looked out the window and saw Aang and Sokka sleeping on the grass as. She giggled and told Toph they should go back to the boys, she agreed and they left.
The Next Day
Katara got up bright and early to prep for tonight's party, "Thank you, everyone, for helping prepare for my brother and future sister-in-law's engagement party," Katara said as everyone bowed and continued to do their work as they had few more hours till the guest started arriving.
Katara went up to her room to relax a bit and get ready for tonight, she passed Toph's room and she looked upset, "Knock knock, you okay," Katara asked still standing at her door. Toph quickly wiped the tears from her eyes, "Yeah I'm fine," She said to Katara. She looked at her friend knowing she was lying, "I know your lying, what's really up," She asked again as Toph broke down, "I haven't seen my parents in a while and they don't know Sokkas, my boyfriend, let alone my fiance. What if they disapprove," She said with her head in her hands.
"Toph, of course, they won't disapprove, they see your happy and you two love each other that's all that matters," Katara said as she comforted toph, "c'mon let's go get ready in my room," Katara said as she saw her brother walk-in, "Oh, Toph, what happened," Sokka asked as he hugged Toph, "Nothing, I'm fine now thanks to your sister," she said as she smiled at her, "Okay we'll see you later," he kissed her forehead, "See ya, meathead," She said as she and Katara left.
The girls were ready and meet the boys in the hall as everyone had arrived, "You ladies look beautiful tonight," Sokka said as him and Aang caught up to the girls, "You boys don't look bad yourselves," Katara said as they walked in, "Wow this is a big party, and it's not even the wedding yet," Toph said as she could feel everyone through her seismic sense.
Toph and Sokka were saying hello to the guest who congratulated the two, "Toph," a familiar voice said, "Hey mum and dad," she bowed to them but her parents went in for a hug, "Toph were so happy you're getting married," her mother said as she pulled away from the embrace. Toph was more confused than happy, "Wait, so your not angry?" She asked her parents, "No, Sokka came and told us for our permission before he came and asked you and when we got the invitation we were more than thrilled," Her father spoke as they hugged one more time, "Thanks for coming." Toph said as her parents left to talk to other guests.
"Thanks, Katara, You're the best sister in the world," He hugged her crushing most of her bones, "No worries," Katara replied as she was put down, " Hey, sparkys here," Toph said as everyone turned to see Azula, Ty-Lee, Mai and Zuko, "Hey guys," Zuko said as him and Mai walked hand in hand with Azula and Ty-Lee on the side, "Azula, Ty-Lee, we haven't seen you in a while. Hows the Fire Nation," Katara asked as she hugging her friends, "It's been great, got to help Zuzu here prepare for his coronation in a few months," Azula said as they all laughed at the nickname Azula called him, "That's great Zuko, congrats," Aang said.
The night went on with everyone talking and having a good time, "Katara, wanna go for a walk?" Aang asked with his hand out. She smiled, "Of course," She agreed and they left for outside.
" Not gonna lie katara, you throw awesome parties," Aang said throwing a smile her way, "it's nothing really, I just did it for the people I love and care about," Katara said.
All of a sudden screams were heard from inside Aang and Katara rushed in and saw Toph and Sokka battling guys one end and Zuko and Azula of the other. Mai and Ty-Lee were fighting as well.
What is happening?
Stay tuned for The next chapter
Thanks, everyone for reading🌊😁

Love is a Battle Field//Royal Au (Kataang)
FanfictionKatara is becoming Queen of the Southern Water Tribe and needs to find a husband so her father puts on a challenge for the princesses hand. Things have gone weird for the princess until a certain air bender catches her eye! What she doesn't know is...