1 Year Later
Toph walked down the aisle in a beautiful dress that flowed to the bottom, while she made her way to the altar.
Sokka looked so happy to be marrying Toph and her even started crying which Zuko came prepared as he passed him a tissue.
Katara Took the flowers from Toph as she was maid of honour. Toph took Sokka's hands as the ceremony began.
"Dearly beloved we are gathered her today to join the unity of Princess Toph Beifong and Prince Sokka Of the Southern Water tribe," The officiant started.
"Sokka, I remember when we were little you fell in a whole in the Garden and I had to get you out when we were about six," Everyone laughed, "But as we grew I knew there was more to our friendship and I knew I loved you."
"Toph Beifong, I remember the first time meeting you which I never knew would be leading up to this," he chuckled a bit, "I knew something was special about you and I knew I loved you too much to be away from you."
"The ring and necklace," The officiant spoke to the little page boy who walked down the aisle with the ring and necklace on a pillow.
Sokka placed the necklace on Toph then placed the ring on his finger, "I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, You may now-" Before he could finish Sokka had dipped Toph and Kissed her, "kiss the bride," He finished.
Everyone was cheering and clapping as they stood there as a married couple.
It was the wedding reception and everyone was there in the Castle sitting down eating and dancing.
It was time for cake and Toph was feeding it to Sokka, "Here," She smashed a piece in his face, "Hey, how was I supposed to feed it to him I'm blind," She laughed.
"Okay, here you go Toph," Sokka grabbed a piece and shoved it in her face too, which made everyone laugh.
Everyone was making toast and the bride and groom's dance.
"Katara, wanna dance," Aang put his hand out bas she took it, "You look beautiful as always," He waltzed with her through the dance floor where the other couples were, "Well, you look very handsome," She giggled a little.
"Hey, you two," Sokka said as him and Toph danced next to them, "So, Twinkle Toes, Sugar queen. When are you two getting married," Toph made the two blush, "Just kidding, you got heaps of time," she punched there arms.
Katara took a step outside for some air, "Today was perfect, this is all perfect," She said as Aang joined her, "Yeah, things can go back to normal now and everything will be great," he hugged her.
"Thank you," She broke away from the hug slowly, "You came when I needed you in times with Jet and when we went through that hard time in the kingdom which you never left my side. I love you Aang."
It made him red a little, "Katara, when I first saw you I was intrigued to find out where the selection would've taken us and I knew if I won It would be out of love," He pulled out a necklace, "Katara will you marry me."
She looked at him with shocked eyes but then went in for a kiss, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She hugged him tighter. He placed the necklace on her and they just looked at the moon.
"Hey, mind if we join you," Toph and Sokka stood next to them. Katara turned around and Toph saw the new necklace, "So, he finally got some balls and did it," Toph punched Aang's arm.
"So you finally did it," Sokka added, "So, you told everyone before," she gave Aang a side glare which made him nervous.
"Well we got news ourself, We're pregnant," Aang and Katara's jaw dropped, "What! How!" Katara shouted, "Well, Katara, when two people love each other very much-" Toph started, "I know how Toph! But how?" She said.
"Well I went to the healers and they said I was about 2 weeks along," She smiled, "That's awesome, congrats," Aang said.
"So, how you feel Sokka?" Aang nudged him a bit, "Excited, I get my own little warrior," He said pointing to her belly.
"Well, things are gonna change but as long as we're together nothing is impossible," Aang said as they all went inside and enjoyed the rest of the night.
The End
Thank you to everyone who read this book. I really appreciate all the support.
Please Go and Check out my other stories and I may or may not be working on a Part 2 To the Story!
Take care everyone and Stay tuned for more Future stories😉😁

Love is a Battle Field//Royal Au (Kataang)
FanfictionKatara is becoming Queen of the Southern Water Tribe and needs to find a husband so her father puts on a challenge for the princesses hand. Things have gone weird for the princess until a certain air bender catches her eye! What she doesn't know is...