Sokka woke up Aang and Katara as they were all surrounded by masked warriors, "What are you doing here?" Katara shouted, "We're just gonna put you to sleep," a voice said as a smoke bomb appeared was thrown and Katara was knocked out and taken, "Katara *cough* Katara," Aang shouted as he fell to his knee's.
Aang woke up and saw Sokka and Toph still knocked out, "Guys, wake up," Aang said shaking Sokka and Toph, "Ugh, my head hurts, wheres Katara?" Sokka said as he saw Aang turn away, " Aang, where is she?" Toph asked going over to him, "He turned around and wiped his eyes, "They took her!" yelled as he punched the wall.
"Aang, calm down we'll find her," Toph said comfortingly. Sokka got up and looked around at the broken glass from the window, "Let's go get my sister," Sokka said as they ran to her office for more information.
"Gran-gran, they took Katara," Sokka said as they ran past, "Go save your sister and I'll look after the kingdom," she said to him as they kept running into they made their way to the office, "Here, I found something," Aang shouted, "They came here looking for her and left some strange pin," Sokka said as he looked at the mess which was made, "Hey, what about that secret library downstairs, maybe there's something there."
Toph said as the boys looked at her, "Toph, you genius," Sokka said smooshing her face with kisses, "Okay ponytail, Focus!" she said and they ran down to the room. They stopped at the room and Aang opened it with his water bending, as they went in they searched for answers, "Hey I found something," Sokka said, "This is the sign of an ancient society that tried to take out world leaders and rule it for themselves, they called themselves The Black Swans."
"But we already knew that, what more could there be?" Toph said as they flicked through the pages, "Wait there in the Earth Kingdom," Aang read, "Get Appa ready, were going to save the queen," Sokka said as he and the others ran back up to leave.
"Appa, Yip-yip," Aang said as they took off to the Earth kingdom.
"Ughh, my head," Katara said as she saw her surroundings, "Where am I?" she whispered to herself, then out of know where a familiar voice comes out, "Hello Katara, sorry it had to come to this," "Jet?" "ah, so you remembered me," Jet said as he stepped toward her, "Why are you doing this?" Katara asked as she moved closer.
"Katara, I believe my nation is great and we can bring it to great things like ruling the world, together," Katara looked with rage, "Why would I help you," Katara said as she moved back, "Because if you don't then you give me no choice than to attack the rest of the nations and well win." Katara looked outside and it was dark and a full moon.
Katara couldn't wait any longer so she decided she was only gonna do this once, She felt the moons power and as one of the guards came past she blood bent him over stole the keys getting out of the cell as she started to bend the water in the air knocking out every other guard. She made it outside were Aang, Sokka and Toph were sitting, "Hey guys," She said, "There's no time to talk so let's go."
They all jumped on Appa and flew away, "Katara, what happened? We were all worried," Aang said as he cuddled close to her, "I'm okay but Jet is planning something and by what he meant when he spoke to me, This means war," Katara said looking out in the distance.
Thank you for reading
Stay tuned for more🌊😁
Sorry for the short Chapter more coming soon😍

Love is a Battle Field//Royal Au (Kataang)
Hayran KurguKatara is becoming Queen of the Southern Water Tribe and needs to find a husband so her father puts on a challenge for the princesses hand. Things have gone weird for the princess until a certain air bender catches her eye! What she doesn't know is...