They landed Appa and all went inside as they all needed a moment to sit down, "Katara, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Kanna said running in as she saw her granddaughter return from her capture, "I'm fine gran-gran," Katara said hugging her. She left and no one spoke a single word, "Katara, how did you escape?"
Aang asked her as she knew she had to tell them, "Well, I used a sacred technique of waterbending to get my way out, that I learnt from an ancient scroll that I burnt so no one would discover the skill," she said, "It's called bloodbending."
Katara said as everyone's face looked at her in horror to what she had said, "W-what is bloodbending?"Sokka asked as he shivered to the sound of its name.
"It's a horrible thing to do and it's when you bend the water in someone's body," She said. Everyone felt like something had gone down the backs, "That's scary," Toph said as she laid on Sokka, "So, who caught you?" Aang asked as he saw he face turned into shock, "it-it was Jet," she said trembling at the words that came out of her mouth.
"He wanted me to join him in taking over the world and I refused," Katara said, "He said he'll do anything to rule over everyone, and I'm guessing he's gonna start a war," Katara said as she got up, "But I won't let that happen," She said with determination.
"We need to secure the gates on the outskirts of the kingdom and we need to notify the rest of the world," She said as she was leaving, "Well, cmon people, move! move! move!" Katara demanded as the rest shot up and got to work.
For the first time, Katara felt like a queen and she knew what she was doing was right.
The Next Day
She heard a knock on the window, It was a messenger hawk,
Dear Queen Katara,
You have the Fire Nations, Full support During this battle
Yours truly,
Fire Lord Zuko
She wrote a letter back and was surprised that Zuko had already been crowned but she thought it was about time since the war.
She sent the hawk on its way and heard another knock which came from the door, "Your majesty, the guests from the North have arrived," the maid announced, "Thank you, I'll be there in a moment," Katara thanked her as she left.
She ran downstairs to the meeting room, they all stood up at her arrival, "Queen Katara thank you for having us," Queen Yue stated as she bowed to Katara and went in for a hug, "Good to see you, Yue. You too Grandpa Pakku," She said saying hello to him, "You have grown so much, Katara," He says.
"So we are on the verge of war and we may need all the help we can get, especially since we are up against the Earth Kingdom," Katara said as they were started the meeting, "We know we have the Beifongs on our side as well as the Fire Nation," she said, "Well, you have the Northern Tribe at your service," Yue said.
The meeting was over and Katara needed to sleep, as she exited the meeting room she was greeted by Aang, "Hey, sweetie," Katara said yawning, "Hey," He said as he kissed her forehead.
"How was it?" "It was good, all this stuff is tiring," She said as they took a walk through the garden, "So, what happened when you were with Jet?"
Aang asked as they sat down on the grass, "He was just ranting on about how he was gonna take over the world cause "The Earth Kingdom is the Greatest" and that he would want me to be apart of it," She responded.
"What an idiot," Aang said, "Yeah and he kinda hated me because I splashed him with water once," Katara said as Aang laughed, "I mean, never cross a waterbending prodigy," He laughed as they laid still for a few minutes and which soon became a few hours.
"Hey, wake up you two," Sokka and Toph had come back from there trip to Omashu after seeing Toph's grandpa Bumi. Aang and Katara both got up, "Hey guys," Katara said as she got up, "You know what, we all deserve a break because we all need one," everyone looked at her and all thought of the one thing that would be the best,
They all shouted as they ran inside to start and just be kids again before everything had happened.
Thank you for reading
I really appreciate it
Stay tuned for more🌊😁

Love is a Battle Field//Royal Au (Kataang)
Fiksi PenggemarKatara is becoming Queen of the Southern Water Tribe and needs to find a husband so her father puts on a challenge for the princesses hand. Things have gone weird for the princess until a certain air bender catches her eye! What she doesn't know is...