Chapter 24: This is it🌊

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"So you finally came to your senses," Jet said as he moved towards her, "Yes, I realized that why rule on Kingdom when you could rule the room," She said.

Katara joined Jet as they started to infiltrate through the Fire Nation barricade, "Today we make history," He pulled Katara in by the waist, "And you and I can rule it all," She smiled.

Men were lined up to take over the capital and to take out the Fire Lord, "Let's go," a soldier yelled as they arrived when they got there, the Fire nation, Northern Water Tribe and The Air Nomads had ready there defenses and fought back.

The battle was brutal and Katara broke out of character, "sorry Jet, It's just not gonna work out," She froze him up in against the ship and helped fight during the battle taking out soldiers left and right.

Aang, Toph and Sokka Took out some defenses as well leading the troops into the battle, "Took you long enough Sugar queen," Toph earthbent a whole group who fell to there feet.

They fought a long hard battle that lasted a whole 2 days it was brutal and many lives were lost but in the end they had won the battle. The horn was blown on the morning of the morning the battle ended and Jet was defeated by Aang.

Everyone was rejoicing in the victory that they had won the battle. Everyone met up at the Hospital to help the wounded which included Sokka and Toph, "Is she okay?" Sokka kept asking while Katara healed his leg and arm, "She's fine, I'll be checking on her after this," She laughed.

Aang had just walked in, "Hey, how's the leg holding up Sokka?" "Getting there," He replied.

Katara left and went to see Toph, "Hey, how is your arm?" She grabbed the water and started on her arm, "Sokka was worrying but I told him you're alright," Katara told Toph, "Tell him he worries to much about me," She laughed.

Katara finished healing and she spoke to people and attended a conversation with Zuko and Mai.


They arrived back in the Southern Water Tribe with crowds cheering as they docked. Cheers and chants were heard from the crowd. Katara spent the day in the town talking to the people and seeing what they needed after her 4 months of absence.

"Gran-Gran," Katara and Sokka shouted as they jumped into her arms, "How are you two. I've missed you so much," She hugged them back, "And don't worry everything has been going smoothly since you left and ended the war," She smiled.

The Next day

They woke up and it felt normal for once without worrying about the war and the rising tension between the Nations. Katara had helped out with the rebuilding of everything that Jet had destroyed. She also got to walk around the town and enjoy life as queen.

"Hey, Mum, Dad. Just hope you're proud of me. At the start I was unsure that I couldn't do it but now since I had my family around me I found my wings and it became easy," She said talking to her parents.

"They would be proud of you," Sokka said from behind her, "Hey, mum, dad," he said. He bought Aang and Toph up with them to the graves, "Mum, you remember Toph. Well, me and Toph are getting married and I just wanted to let you know," he placed a flower on her grave.

"Mum, this is Aang. He's the Avatar and my boyfriend. He helped me through a lot of things and you would have liked him, you too dad." She chuckled a little at that.

They sat in the garden just thinking and wondering about the future.


Thanks for reading

Stay tuned for the Last chapter of the Series😥😁🌊

Sorry this was short I just really Tried to get back into writing😁😁

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