Chapter 4: Time of Dying

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Makoto Tachibana

The dark blue sky is filled with all of these bright, bright stars. It's beautiful and I can't help but stare at them mouthed opened while I pointlessly wander over the open field. As my feet shuffle through the high grass I wonder what I'm doing outside. It must've been something important, because otherwise I wouldn't be taking a walk this late at night.

When I think about it, I don't even know how late it is. It could be any time varying from really early in the morning to late in the evening.

I sigh while trying my best to remember where I was going when I got outside, and if I was even planning on going somewhere to begin with.

"Come on, remember," I whisper to myself, hitting the side of my head with my hand as if it'll help. "What do I know?" I think for a moment, last thing I remember was that Rin told me "goodnight" before he disappeared in his own dorm room. I heard coughing when the door closed and I remember getting a little nervous about it.

But what happened afterwards? I must've gone outside, so maybe I'm really here for a short walk to get myself tired before I went to bed.

I stare at my feet and lightly kick the grass while mumbling to myself, "Okay, breathe in and out." I do as I tell myself, because what else can I do? "No need to get nervous, you'll remember why you're outside in a second."

That's when I feel the med sensor around my wrist and I breathe out in relief; maybe if I can see what time it is, I know why I was outside. So I glance at the med sensor and click on a few buttons until the time appears in bright red numbers.

Fourteen to nine... I gasp, almost cursing at myself when realize that I'm outside after lights out – which can get you in trouble. I want to run inside, but it's like I'm glued to the ground and all of a sudden my hands start shaking.

"Wait, no." I glance at the time again. "Yeah, lights out isn't until nine, I'm okay."

I pause, ready to take my hand through my hair in relief. But instead of flawlessly moving my fingers through my greasy hair, I almost brush my glasses off my face.

When I let my hand fall back down, I start pacing up and down the grass field. My thoughts are making me crazy, while one voice is yelling at me to go inside because according to them it's already past lights out, the other voice in my head is telling me to just calm down and go for a short walk before going back inside in a few minutes.

And I don't know which voice is right, and which one wrong; all I know is that they're loud and are causing a massive headache to appear.

"Mom and dad," I whisper to myself. "Ren and Ran, Sousuke Yamazaki, Rin Matsuoka."I pace up and down and every once a while I kick the grass lightly. Little pieces mud and grass fly through the air. "After that Rei Ryuugazaki and Nagisa Hazuki."

I breathe out calmly when I suddenly feel something hard hitting me on my back. It leaves a sting and before I know it an "ouch" escapes from my mouth. I want to take it back, because it didn't even hurt that much, but it's too late.

When I turn around I see someone standing a little towards the dorms. I don't recognize the person, so I don't think I know him.

He's staring at me with two bright blue eyes and I'm sure his eyes are the brightest color I've seen in months. Ever since I got here everything seemed to have a grey filter over it, so it's nice to know that I have not gone colorblind.

"Hi," I say, knowing that if I say nothing it'll get awkward.

As I walk closer to the grim-looking guy I suddenly remember what I was doing outside at this hour; After Rin stopped coughing he came back outside of him room and he told me that I was looking paler than normally. I was having a headache, I told this to him and he said I should take a little walk in the fresh air.

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