Chapter 27: Would You Still Love Me?

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Haruka Nanase

The rain is pouring down, raindrops sliding down my cheeks.

Normally, I wouldn't go outside when it's pouring like this, but today doesn't feel normal. T0day has been the first time I called my parents to let them know how I was doing and when they picked up it's almost as if they forgot I existed.

I asked them if they wanted to come by on a Sunday afternoon, because they're meant for family members to visit their child, but mom just told me that they couldn't because of dad's work.

It's what I suspected they'd say, but it still hurt to hear that they just don't care about the fact that I might never see them again if they don't visit me once in a while.

I just broke the connection as soon as she told me "no" and went outside to get some fresh air and cool down. That's why I'm standing in the middle of the big field in front of the boys' dorms, with my face turned to the sky and eyes closed.

It's starting to rain even harder and I barely hear someone's footsteps coming closer and closer as I stand there.

"Haruka?" a voice asks, it sounds very familiar and not like a doctor, teacher or nurse that is going to ask me to go inside so I don't catch a cold.

It sounds like Makoto.

I turn around and I see him standing there. His skin is pale, hair uncombed and wet and his eyes back to the brightest of bright green they used to be when I saw him last time. He's wearing his pajamas, glasses and no jacket.

"Makoto," I mumble, already running in his direction.

I only now realize how much I've missed him the past days. I missed his voice, his beautiful eyes and the way he closes them when he smiles.

He wraps his arms around me and I do the same.

His body is warm and I can feel his heart beating when my chest is pressed up against his just like now. I can also feel him breathing, and his hands are shaking as they rest on my back.

Makoto backs up pretty soon after he's wrapped his arms around me, but I don't want him to let go. I want to hug him longer.

But he's stronger and when he backs up our eyes quickly meet. Hi lips are slightly parted when we stand there and his arms are still resting on my back even now he's further away from me.

It's just a split second, but his eyes shoot away and a blush appears on Makoto's pale cheeks. He leans closer, slowly and carefully.

Before I can react, I feel it; his lips on mine.

They're warm and wet and they vaguely taste like a mix of chocolate pudding and cherry medicine. And he's kissing me carefully, just like he always chooses every word he says carefully before speaking.

His hands are pulling the fabric of my shirt and I catch myself pulling him closer. Our chests are touching again and his heart is racing, just like mine.

I don't know for how long his lips are on mine, but when he backs up again I don't want it to be over just yet. I pull him back in and give him another kiss before he can speak.

I don't want to stop. I want this to last for forever.

Makoto's hand pushes against my chest, but not like he actually wants me to back up. But eventually I do as he asks, because I don't want him to get mad at me.

"Haruka," he whispers, staring at his feet while he steps back. "I'm sorry that I didn't... I'm sorry that I hurt you that day in the Ferris Wheel."

I glance away, my cheeks getting warmer as I realize what he said. He's acting so different from then.

"I didn't want to give in to my feelings," he explains, his voice getting a little louder with every word he speaks. "I didn't think I could, because of my failing brain; I couldn't risk hurting you."

I swallow. I hope he's not going to take back his kiss because of it, I don't think I could handle it if he would do that.

"But I nearly died." He pauses and I can hear him swallowing while he traces his middle with his hand. "And while I was recovering, all I could think about was how badly I wanted to see you again. I wanted to tell you I'm sorry."

A wind gust makes my hat fly in Makoto's direction. He catches it and clenches the blue fabric in his fists, but he doesn't give it back.

"I wanted to tell you that I love you too," he admits. "So, if you don't mind, if you can still love my even though I can die any moment or my brain and body will stop working someday soon, are you still able to love me back?"

I open my mouth, but I have no idea what to say or how to sound. I could let him hear my internal happiness, but I'm not the type to cheer and dance in victory, or I could carefully tell him "of course".

But I stay silent.

"Say something!" Makoto yells, his voice is so much louder now and tears are running over his cheeks when he looks up at me. His eyes are sparkling and his cheeks are completely red. "Please, Haruka, say something."

I stare at the ground, knowing there's only one right answer.

"Yes," I reply. "I would love to."


Next Chapter:
A party to celebrate Haruka and Makoto getting together? Good plan? or just the worst?

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