Chapter 33: Hold On

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Haruka Nanase

I'm walking to the medical building first thing in the morning.

I fell asleep around six in the morning and slept for three more hours before waking up to footsteps in the hallway.

I didn't go to breakfast, because I wasn't feeling hungry at all. Instead I washed my face in the sink and threw on some clean clothes before heading over to the medical building.

I have no idea if they'll let me inside of Rin's room right now, but I'd like to at least try to visit him. Even if it's just so I can tell Makoto how Rin's doing without him having to see Rin in such a bad state.

I know Makoto won't be able to handle that, and I don't want him to freak out.

I'm only halfway the field when I hear a loud sensor beeping. It's a haunting sound and my mind immediately gets thrown back to yesterday.

Even though there weren't any med sensor sounds there, I can't do anything except remember how I had to give mouth to mouth to Rin and how I felt his not moving chest under the palms of my hands.

The deafening noise is quickly followed by a nurse running over the field. She's running towards the forest, on the foot followed by doctor Daiki.

They stop running at the edge of the woods and I suddenly hear doctor Daiki's loud voice yelling Makoto's name.

It's like my world stops for a second when the nauseating thought hits me. Because this isn't some random person's med sensor going off, it's Makoto's!

It takes me a moment to realize it, but not long, and I start running in the direction of doctor Daiki and the nurse.

"What's going on?" I mumble, just barely loud enough that they can hear me.

The nurse turns to me, but looks away immediately after.

"Haruka," she says, glaring at some kind of device that should show them where Makoto is, but it doesn't show anything at all. "I don't have time for this now."

She turns away and screams Makoto's name as loud as she can, afterwards mumbling, "Damn it, why have you gone so far into the woods?"

I glare at my feet, feeling how my heart races and my body trembles. I should be able to figure out where Makoto's ran to, because we're in the woods many times.

I gasp when I finally think of a place where he could be.

"Our hangout spot," I mumble and I start running the direction.

"Wait, Haruka!" the nurse's voice sounds behind me. "Not you too!"

I don't turn around but make it clear that she should follow me by telling her that I might have an idea where Makoto is.

My feet make the leafs crunch and mud splatters onto my sweatpants up to knee high. The wind is cold and rain is hitting my face with a lot of force. It hurts whenever a raindrop hits my eyeballs, but I keep my eyes open anyway.

I'm glad I kept looking and I didn't even blink while I was running when I spot the orange color of Makoto's shirt in the distance.

I start running even harder, hearing the wheezing of the nurse behind me as she tries to keep up with me.

I slip on some mud.

I don't have time to get up, so I crawl through the mud to get to Makoto. He's also covered in mud and his hands and knees are bleeding. He's shaking, spasms moving through his body as he lies in the muddy forest ground.

I bend over him, taking his shoulders in my hands. His eyes are closed and he doesn't really react when I call his name, he just trembles and shakes in my arms.

What should I do?

My heart is racing and I don't know what I should do. I don't have the slightest idea, so all I can do is sit here and hold Makoto's shaking body.

"Daiki!" the nurse's voice sounds, followed by other footsteps. "Makoto's here, he's having an epileptic seizure!"

The words enter my mind, and all I can think of is if Makoto's going to get out of this seizure, if he's going to be the same again, but most of all if he's going to survive.

I tighten my grip around Makoto's shoulders and glare at his closed eyes whispering, "Makoto, please." But hallway my sentence I get pulled away from Makoto. The nurse holds me tightly, while doctor Daiki bends over Makoto. I try to get loose of the nurse's grip, but she's strong and I'm exhausted.

All I can do is watch doctor Daiki do something to Makoto without being able to help, or keep him from doing whatever he's doing; what if he's trying to get Makoto out of his misery and he'll just give him a shot that'll finish him for good.

"No! Makoto!" I shriek, trying to force me out of the nurse's arms again.

I feel a hard sting in my arm, making my world spin and my hearing fuzzy.

I try to pull myself from the nurse's arms again, but I'm too weak. Too tired.

"Promise me, Makoto!" I yell. "Promise me you'll live!"

I feel a sour taste coming up from my stomach, followed by a barfing sound.

And next there's silence... and complete darkness.


Next Chapter:
What happened? Where is Haruka... and where is Makoto!?

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