Chapter 9: Little Do You Know

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Haruka Nanase

My first Dialysis treatment, I didn't expect it wouldn't hurt at all. It's probably because I didn't have to get needles going into my arm and realizing that I'm suddenly really glad I have the catheter.

The thick tubes exiting at my chest and the large bandages covering the insertions are really uncomfortable though. I can only lay on my back if I want to lay in a somewhat comfortable way, but that's okay. It'll only be temporary, I think, because they told me if the treatment would work well I'd have a change at going back home and live my life at least somewhat healthy.

I'm still wide awake, sitting with my back against the wall while the Dialysis runs its first round. It'll take hours, at least that's what nurse Aki said, so I should go to sleep when my clock tips nine in the evening. But until then I won't be sleeping.

I'm sitting on the place where my pillow would normally lie, on my bed with my back against the wall and my eyes facing the window and my desk. My pencil silently moves over the thick paper in a freshly bought drawing book.

I used to draw sometimes besides swim training, but I didn't have that much time for it. But now that I'm here and I spend more time doing nothing than anything at all, I decided to pick up my pencil again and dig out the markers I brought with me.

The sketch it light, but something tells me this is going to look pretty good even though I'm a little rusty at the moment.

My pencil is scraping over the paper with light movements when I hear a soft knock. Hoping it might be Makoto, I glance at the door beside me.

I still want to ask Makoto about what happened this afternoon, everyone seemed a little off after Makoto completely lost it in the woods. There's been this tight feeling in my chest ever since it happened too. I needed to know what happened, but when I got to Makoto's room this afternoon a sticky note on his door told me to let him sleep. It was signed by one of the nurses, so I decided to listen to the message in her curly handwriting.

The door cracks open, but it's not Makoto who appears in the doorway; it's Rin. He didn't come back after what happened, otherwise I would've asked him. I did ask Nagisa and Rei what had happened, but they said it was up to Makoto to tell me.

Something about the look in Rin's eyes and the tone in his voice when he greets me is different from any time he spoke before.

"Hey," I reply as I watch how Rin walks in, mumbles something inaudible and leans against the wall next to the closed door.

"What are you doing?" he asks, but something in the way he's glancing from the ground to me and back to the ground tells me that that isn't what he came here for.

I turn my drawing book in Rin's direction so he can see.

"Can we talk?" he mumbles, and I'm not sure if it's really a question or more like a different way of telling me he really needs to talk with me.

I nod, only once, because the serious look on his face is kind of unsettling.

"About what happened this afternoon," Rin continues. "I bet you must have questions, I am right?"

I nod, because I have a huge amount of questions some of which I can't even form into words. So I immediately open my mouth and before Rin can tell my something else I ask the first question that comes to mind. "What happened?" I pause, I know what happened, but I don't know why it happened. "And why did it happen?"

Rin's eyes look into mine as he chuckles lightly, but not a happy chuckle more like a dry cough-like chuckle. "One question at a time, please." He pauses and coughs silently in his ellebow, readjusting his nasal tubes after wards. He asks if he can sit before he answers any of my questions, giving me the knowledge that this talk it going to take a while.

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