Chapter 31: Terrible Things

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Haruka Nanase

My entire body feels clammy as I lay in bed, wide awake because of everything that has happened this night.

I can still feel the pressure I put on Rin's chest shooting through my muscles. I've never fought for someone else's live before, and I hope I'll never have to do that again. Never.

We got in trouble, one of the nurses has been shouting at us for one hour straight before telling us to go to bed and get the rest we should've gotten hours ago. We could've gotten in more trouble though; we also saved Rin's life, they decided not to send us off the school like they could've, but they just gave us some chores to do for the next month to punish us.

Rin survived, just barely according to the nurse who walked into my room ten minutes ago to let me know that he survived. Nothing was sure by the time that we were sent to our rooms, but now there's certainty that Rin's heart is beating again.

The nurse I didn't know told me that Rin choked on his own saliva, probably during a coughing fit, and the thick mucus blocked his windpipe so badly they had to perform emergency treatment to make sure he could breathe easily again.

He also suffers from a few broken ribs, probably because of my rough CPR.

He hasn't woken up yet, and the nurse told me that they weren't sure it's going to happen. He's in a pretty bad state and they're pretty sure he's slipping into a coma.

Of course I'm not thrilled to hear that he's not doing great, but I wasn't expecting that after what happened. I'm just glad he's alive.

Still, even after hearing the news I can't sleep at all.

My bedding feels heavier than usual, and the dialysis sounds louder. Maybe it's just my imagination, or the fact that I nearly saw someone die a few hours ago.

How'll Makoto be doing now? I wonder as I turn onto my side, with my back facing the Dialysis. It isn't a hard question, honestly, because I know Makoto's not doing okay. But at least he's resting.

Makoto's sleeping, I'm sure, because they had to give him a shot of something that should make him calm down. He fainted twice this evening and suddenly started hyperventilating when we were walking back to the dorms.

He didn't have an episode, fortunately, because I think none of us would've been able to handle that after what happened.

They gave him the shot directly after he started hyperventilating and nearly fainted for the third time in one evening, and he started acting a little as if he was drunk; talking nonsense at a slow pace, he also bumped into me a few times without even properly noticing himself before he got too tired to even stand on his feet.

The nurse told us to just go to bed, she'd bring Makoto to his room so he could sleep everything off. But I don't believe he's just going to be able to sleep everything off in one night; he almost saw one of his best friends die.

I don't think Makoto will be the same person tomorrow, because of what he saw, and that scares me. It'll probably take him a few days before he'll be the Makoto we all know and love, and the same goes for all of us.

Nagisa and Rei know Rin for a long time, longer than Makoto, and they also had to see that happen. They'll also have to recover from it, Rei more than Nagisa; Nagisa didn't have to watch me performing CPR on Rin, which must've looked horrible.

I didn't see much of what was going on with Rin, I was too busy making sure that he didn't die. But most of all I was making sure that Makoto didn't have to see Rin dying. I don't know if that's selfish, only trying to save someone for Makoto's health.

Or maybe some part of me was really doing it because I wanted Rin, a new friend whom felt more close than any of the friend I have had before, to survive. To live, at least for one more day.

I don't really know, to be honest. Because my thoughts have been a little shaken ever since I got back to my room. I couldn't even get myself to put on my t-shirt the right way, I now realize as the label is scratching my chest.

Sighing, I turn back onto my back, glaring at the cracked open window.

It's almost morning already, I can see the sun coming up. It's cloudy outside, I'm almost sure it's going to rain; the great weather for things like this to happen, almost as if the sky is weeping for us. With us.

But maybe if the sun were to come out, and shine bright and Rin will wake up and get better soon, we can all act like nothing happened. Like nothing will ever happen again. That way we could all be alright again.


Next Chapter: 
This is literally the worst day of Makoto's life... WHY!

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