Chapter 3: We Meet Again

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Haruka Nanase

The smell of disinfectant enters my nose when I wander into the medical building. I've been told that I have to go for a checkup today, because they have to see which treatment they're going to use.

It doesn't take long before an older man appears in the doorway of one of the few offices and calls out my name. I get up and go inside where I take place on an iron table topped off with a thick piece of paper.

"So, Haruka Nanase," the doctor says. "You're new here, aren't you?"

I nod once and try not to feel nervous, because the doctor's really overdoing eye contact. When he sticks his hand out to me and introduces himself as "Doctor Daiki" I hesitate before introducing myself as well even though he already knows my name.

Daiki glances at my med sensor and scans it before we actually start the checkup. All the information to know about me is being displayed on his laptop, everything from my name to what I ate this morning.

"So, Haruka." He turns back around to me. "On a scale of one to ten, in how much pain are you right now."

I think for a moment, other than being tired, a little numbness in my feet and joint pain I don't feel any pain at all. I rarely feel pain, but still the people at Iwatobi Hospital suggested I'd come here where they have more specialist who know better what to do when something happens.

"Two," I mumble.

"I'm very glad to hear that, let's try to keep it that way," he continues. "I've already taken a look at your medical information before you came over and I want your opinion on trying out to lessen the symptoms by using chemotherapy."

It's not a question, it's more like doctor Daiki is telling me that that's what we're going to do; I have no choice. Even though I know that chemo is going to have a lot of side effects and I'd rather not do it if there would be another way. But apparently there isn't any other way, because doctor Daiki would never start chemotherapy if there was another route to take.

"Okay." My voice echoes through the small room and bounces of the white walls.

Doctor Daiki smiles and nods. "Beside that I'm suggesting we do Dialyses treatment every night while you're asleep to make it easier on your kidneys," he continues. "We want to keep your health at this point or better, that's why I want to treat the symptoms as much as we can." He pauses and his face goes serious when he explains how to follow my schedule as tightly as possible. "It's best to just go to your lessons, nap or rest during resting period and to eat healthy and varying."

I nod, thinking of how I know what a schedule is and I don't have to be explained how to have a good timetable.

"I suggest you go to bed by lights out," doctor Daiki says. I almost want to roll my eyes, because lights out is at nine here, while I'd normally don't go to bed before I'm actually tired. "On days you don't feel well you're allowed to get sick days and there'll be a nurse checking in on you every once in a while to see how you're doing."

I listen while doctor Daiki explains more about what symptoms to look out for and to let someone know whenever I feel worse than usual. He also tells me about the side effects of the chemotherapy and how to use the Dialyses.

When he's finally done he says, "Well, if you don't have any more questions I'll see you next Wednesday."

I nod, thank him under my breath and walk out of the medical building. Being back outside, in the fresh air feels great. That's why I decide to take a short walk around the buildings before I get ready to go back inside and lay on my bed in boredom.

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