Chapter 30: Running Out of Air

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Makoto Tachibana

"Oh, god, no!" I scream as I feel how my body gets pulled down to the floor and I land on my knees with full force. I can't get myself to stand upright, not with all that pain dragging me to the ground.

"Rin!" I cry, loud and painful screams leave my mouth as I bend over Rin's pale body. His face and the scarf he's wearing are both covered in blood smudges, drool and other slimy substances and mud, making Rin look like he's also fallen in the mud face-first.

I don't know if he's breathing, I wouldn't know how to tell.

"Why didn't his med sensor go off?" Nagisa asks in between soft cries.

His med sensor! I reach for his wrist, the light on the med sensor should be able to tell me if Rin's still with us. But there isn't a light, just a turned off little lamp on the side of an useless wristband.

"Damn it," Rei mumbles. "He turned off his med sensor."

I drop Rin's hand onto the floor, gasping, I can't believe he actually did that. We made a deal not to turn off our med sensors if nobody else was close.

We could've... I stumble back, away from Rin until I can't see the blood smudges anymore. If his med sensor had gone off, we would've known... we could've helped.

"Check his pulse," Rei demands, and Haruka's the quickest to response. "And see if he's breathing. Quickly!"

I watch from a distance, tears rolling over my cheeks, as Haruka holds his ear above Rin's mouth and glares at his chest. I don't want to know the answer, because what if he's not breathing, what if he's...

"He's breathing," Haruka mumbles, looking up at Rei. "But barely."

Everything around me gets hazy and sounds get fuzzy. I can see people's mouths moving, but I don't hear any sentences at all, just fuzzy murmurs.

Rei must've said something, because Nagisa starts running towards the medical building as quick as he can. And Haruka starts giving Rin rescue breaths and chest compressions in the meantime.

I want to help, but I can't do anything. I can't even get myself to move closer, I'm glued to the floor, struck by fear.

My world starts to tilt and turn. I hear a thud and my vision goes black for just a second, or so it appears.

I must've been out for longer, because by the time I open my eyes again there's a nurse arched over me. Her lips are moving rapidly and her hair flies around her head as she quickly turns around to look behind herself.

"Hey, hey!" Her voice is blurry and I can barely hear her, that's how far away she sounds. She helps me sit upright, which makes me feel a little dizzy.

Her freezing hands rest on my cheeks and her eyes stare straight into mine. "Are you with me?"

"Yeah," I say, at least I think I said it out loud. I wince when a painful sting shoots through my brain, making the entire world fade away for a short moment.

Her hand pats me on the cheeks and she asks, "Do you know who you are? Where you are?"

"Makoto Tachibana," I reply without thinking about it. But I don't answer the other question, I just stare at her in disbelief, this can't be her biggest concern right now.

After everything that happened, she can't be serious that she's worrying about me.

He was in so much pain, barely breathing. But what happened after?

What happened to... "Rin," I mumble and the nurse's eyes glare into mine as if she's trying to force me not to look behind her.

But I look away, pushing her aside, because I have to know that Rin's alright. I have to make sure that he's okay, breathing and with a beating heart inside his chest. So I push her away as hard as I can.

Tears start to well up and I feel a scream in the back of my throat, but it won't come.

Two nurses, they're both warped over Rin's body. And they're yelling things, but I can't understand what they're saying. Rin's body makes spastic movements right after the nurses yell something.

Haruka, Rei and Nagisa are watching as well, Nagisa's hugging Rei tightly and I can hear both of them sobbing. Haruka's standing there as well, looking down at Rin. My eyes shoot back at Rin when Haruka's mouth suddenly falls open.

Rin's turned onto his side now, facing me. Mucus drips from his mouth onto the grass while he coughs.

His eyes open for a second, meeting mine before closing again.

"He's with us again!" one of the nurses yells and I'm pretty sure my heart just stopped for a moment before a cry of happiness escapes from my mouth.


Hey There!
So, this was an extremely short chapter... and it's my birthday tomorrow... maybe strange but as a gift from me to you I'll give you a second chapter to read today :)

Will you be sweet enough to leave me a comment with what you think of my story so far and what you hope will happen? As a gift to me???

Love, Noa <3


Next Chapter: 
A lifesaving attempt worked out right, but that doesn't mean it didn't have a huge impact on Haruka...

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