Chapter 25: Wonder

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Haruka Nanase

The next few days Makoto doesn't show up to anything; not to breakfast, lessons, lunch, resting period or dinner. And when I go by his room he's still not back.

This doesn't surprise me, seeing what happened that evening.

The news about Makoto goes around quickly and I think everyone knows it by now. There are a million different versions about what happened circulating through the school.

Some people say Makoto choked very badly, while others are sure his heart stopped beating for a second or he had an epileptic episode. Some people even say that they are pretty sure Makoto died, but I don't believe that since when I checked in his room all his stuff was still in there.

By the time I got outside that evening to see what was going on, all I could see was how two nurses I didn't recognize carrying Makoto away on a stretcher. Makoto was shrieking and crying and the nurses were yelling things at each other while they ran through the hallways.

It was so terrible to see that; I cried the rest of the night and skipped everything except lunch the next day, just because I didn't want to hear the rumors of what had happened.

But I couldn't keep escaping everything by staying inside of my room and yesterday I went to my classes again. Rin and Makoto both were absent, but today Rin did show up to class and I didn't have to be alone anymore.

And right now I'm sitting in the same spot as every Wednesday afternoon; at doctor Daiki's office for my weekly checkup.

He's examining me just like every week, but it doesn't feel the same. Nothing has felt the same since I saw how they carried Makoto away.

I wonder if he snapped out of whatever was going on or that no one knows what happened because Makoto isn't himself anymore. Just thinking about it scares me so much, all I can do is close my eyes and tell myself that it's not true.

"Doctor Daiki." I haven't spoken a word to him except for "yes", "no" and "kind of", so when my voice sounds doctor Daiki looks pretty surprised.

"Yes?" he answers. "Is something wrong?"

I shake my head, but after a second I do nod after all, because my thoughts about Makoto are bothering me so much that I can't concentrate on anything.

"It's about Makoto," I tell him, avoiding eye contact because I don't want to look in his eyes when I prepare for the truth about Makoto. "Is he... uhm--."

Doctor Daiki smiles kindly, his skin wrinkles at the edges of his eyes. "Makoto is doing just fine," he reassures me. "There was just a minor inconvenience that evening, but he's recovering right now."

My heart makes a little jump, because that means Makoto's not dead like some people suspected. He's okay, recovering, and doctor Daiki doesn't look too worried about him.

"He'll probably start attempting school again in a few days," he tells me. "So there's no need to worry about him."

I almost smile, but if Makoto's recovering from something that means he probably has been in pain for at least a few days. I don't want to know what happened, nor do I want to think about it, but I still ask doctor Daiki about what happened to Makoto when his med sensor started blaring.

"I think that's for him to tell you," doctor Daiki says. I must've winced or frowned, because he quickly adds, "I can't tell you, because it's private information, I'm sorry, Haruka."

I nod, thanking him and get on my feet, because I'm done for today. I'm doing better with every examination, according to doctor Daiki. So I barely spend any time at his office today.

When I close the door behind me, I let a relieved sigh escape from my mouth. I think talking to doctor Daiki really helped me worry less. His words are as serious but calming as ever and if there's no spark of worry in his eyes there's nothing I have to worry about.

I'm glad, because for a moment I was terrified that I'd lost Makoto for good.


Next Chapter: 

"In case you don't live forever, let me tell you now..." Makoto's released from the medical ward, and he needs to talk to Haruka.

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