Chapter 14: Nightmares

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Makoto Tachibana

It's Friday evening and we've just finished school for today. Normally on Fridays we go to Rei's room with all of us and we watch movies, but last week we couldn't because of what happened at the forest. That's why today Nagisa got all of us together, including Haruka, to watch a movie at Rei's room.

We're all sitting on the decent sized bed in Rei's decent sized room. We always do it here, because it's bigger than every of our rooms and we actually can fit all of us in the room.

It's pretty crowded on the bed with Rei tucked in between Nagisa and the wall, Rin beside Nagisa and Haruka pressed up against the other side of the wall. I'm in between Rin and Haruka, getting kind of squished.

The movie has only just started and I'm already getting chills past my spine. There's one genre Nagisa's a big fan of, and that's the only kind of movies I don't like to watch at all. He downloaded "Annabelle Creation" onto a USB stick this morning and we're now watching it on Rei's computer.

H0nestly, I hate it; the movie has only just started and I've already been jump scared. Haruka and Rin didn't even flinch when this little girl was hit by a car and the hard bang blared through the speakers. It did seem to startle Nagisa and Rei, but not as much as me.

I just want to bury my face behind Haruka as we watch, but I'm not going to do that, because that would be weird. So I just sit and watch as the movie goes on like nothing weird is happening. Just kids going to some kind of shelter, and for a moment I almost forget that we're watching a horror movie.

My eyes are focused on the screen, it's completely quiet except for the sound of Rin breathing audibly. The main character is watching into a room, which earlier in the movie she's been told not to go inside.

The sound of the creaking of a rocking chair reminds me of long ago. I was only seven, but I remember almost every second. Mom and dad took me to a carnival and there was this haunted house.

At first I didn't want to go in, because I knew I was scared pretty easily. But mom and dad still got me to go into the haunted house with them.

Everything in there was creepy, like, completely dark and misty. All the sounds were loud and I almost passed out in fear. Daddy had to carry me, because I stopped walking and they kept telling me to stop crying.

I really didn't like it, especially when the spider fell down and scared me. Mommy and daddy weren't scared at all. They were laughing when I screamed because of the spider.

A deafening noise echoes through my brain, almost like shrieking. My throat hurts, I wonder why. When I slowly open my eyes I'm somewhere, I don't really know where. Eyes are staring at me, eyes belonging to people I don't recognize. Maybe they're friends of my parents?

I'm shaking, for some reason, and all I can think of is that I want to get away from these worrying eyes. Anywhere, but not here.

I don't know anyone, or maybe I do... no I don't. I just want the lights to go on, or maybe that would only awake the monsters.

Mommy and daddy would always scare away the monsters that came at night, and they wouldn't turn the light off like these strangers did; because that way the monsters could come near me.

My lip shakes while I clench something in my fists and back up. I hide behind something, or something. The grey fabric smells familiar when I bury my face in it. And the broad shoulders, I know this must be daddy.

But daddy would never turn the light off, not at night when the monsters are nearby. I look up and two big blue eyes stare at me. My throat feels dryer, because that isn't daddy. It is one of the strangers.

I let go and back up, when I move to the other side there's other stranger. He has red eyes and sharp teeth.

Another scream echoes through the room and when I fold my hands in front of my mouth I realize that they belong to me. Tears start running while I get up and stumble to the other corner of the room.

The tall strangers with the big eyes and sharp teeth, they probably have sharp claws and mean words too. The monsters stole me, mommy and daddy must be very worried.

They're always worried when I get home late, but now I'm too late for sure. I just hope the monsters didn't hurt mommy and daddy. I want to go home and see that they're okay. I want them to hold me and scare the big tall monsters away.

One of the monsters reaches out to me with his large hand and boney fingers, he makes a strange sound when he breathes in and leans forward. Almost like slurping through a straw.

I try to back up, but I'm stuck against the wall. Sobbing and crying I try to hide away, maybe if I duck into the corner the monsters will forget about me.

The monster with the red hair and sharp teeth turns around to the others, they're all staring at me, and he probably can't wait until they can eat me.

I start crying even harder, hiding behind my hands while the tall being comes closer to me.

"No!" I shriek, pushing him away with my feet. A scary sound comes from the monster, almost like slimy scraping against the wooden floor.

I close my eyes, and one more time I yell as loud as I can. "No! Please, don't hurt me!"



I had to watch a part of "Annabelle, Creation" myself to write this since I wanted to get into the horror mood, ha ha! Luckily I like horror :)

No but really... I did an awful lot of research to write this (and the next) chapter and let me tell you that it is very hard to write things like this. These scenes, they need a massive ammount of concentration since you're not writing something you've expierenced yourself... yeah, I just wanted you to know that with scenes like this, I try my best and I do my research but they still might seem slightly off if you know what I mean - slightly unnatural or romantisiced (idk how you spell that, welcome to dyslexia!). 

Yeah, that's all, haha...

Next Chapter: 

What should you do when one of your friends suddenly starts hallucinating that you're monsters... well, that's the question...

Love, Noa <3

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