Epilogue: The Book Of You And I

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Haruka Nanase

We're all sitting outside in the early summer sun.

Months have gone by and we've all gone through a rollercoaster of emotions. Most of the emotions were high peaks of happiness, there was some sadness and fear too.

We all made a lot of progress in our health in the past few months.

Nagisa made such great progress that he's probably allowed to go home in a few months, but he says he'll still visit every Sunday to hang out with all of us.

Rei hasn't made so much progress, but he's not doing worse either what's a good thing with a terminal disease. The same goes for me, but it doesn't look like Rei nor me will go home sometime soon. I don't really mind though.

Rin is doing much better now; he's not wheelchair bound anymore, because revalidating did him good. He's also completely adjusted to speaking with his tracheotomy, and he's experiencing less breathing problems now.

But out of all of us Makoto's health has improved the most, and of course I'm very glad it has.

Makoto had to go through a long healing process, and I'm not lying when I say that he's still not completely back to normal.

He had to stay mostly in bed for another month after the day that we helped him remember. He could barely speak or move and he needed help with everything at the time. But he regained access to most memories again, even though he still sometimes suddenly forgets one of our names or he forgets what he's doing.

He has had a lot of therapy sessions, for speech, memory and physically, and it was great to be there beside him when he finally walked on his own again two months after he got out of the hospital.

Not long after he also started talking more and more, he had a lot to say and he still has, I think he talks even more than Nagisa now that he's finally gotten his speech back to normal-ish; he still has a very slurred speech though.

One of the first longer sentences Makoto said to me was that he's really glad I'm his boyfriend. And we still are together, officially together so we no longer call it "just dating".

Makoto's brain took a hard hit when he had that epileptic seizure, and that's why I had to remind him many times that we were together, but I'm positive that he won't forget it anymore now because he reminds me of how glad he is about us being together every day at breakfast.

He doesn't quite act like eighteen, he's aged up and we had a big party, some days he doesn't act his age at all. Sometimes he really acts like a kid, but not an annoying one of course. It's cute, but sometimes it also painful to watch.

Nagisa's the one who deals with that the best, I think because he sometimes acts a little younger than his own age himself.

The rest of us struggle with it sometimes, but most times it doesn't really bother us at all because we all know Makoto can't help it and probably doesn't even notice it himself to begin with.

Past week has been the first sunny week and it was very hot the entire week. That's why we all went swimming this morning during the school activity. It was very much fun, but Rei and I had to watch from the side of the pool mostly, which I hated because I wanted to swim so badly.

But we did have a water gun fight on the grass afterwards, so we all were able to participate in the water fun as well.

And now we're all sitting on blankets on the field in front of the boys' dorms.

We're all wet and tired from running outside all morning, but it has been a fun morning.

I'm lying on my back, sunbathing, when Makoto suddenly nudges me. I yawn and push myself upright so I can see what he's doing.

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