Chapter 28: In

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Makoto Tachibana

"You're what!?" Nagisa's voice echoes through the woods.

Haruka and I waited until resting period to tell them about us two trying out "dating" – not that we're really able to go on dates, but that's how we call it for now.

Three pair of shocked eyes is focussed on us as we hold hands, both blushing. Haruka let me tell them, because he didn't really know how to put it in words. So, I did as he asked me, and they all are acting more surprised than they actually are, probably.

Even though Rin's not acting as enthusiastic as Nagisa and Rei, he's still staring at us in disbelief. Rei on the other hand is look at us as if he's using us for some kind of study on men in love and Nagisa is just as over the top as always.

"We should celebrate it!" Nagisa suggests, nudging Rei and grinning. "Remember, Rei, how we celebrated it when we just got together?"

Rei smiles nodding.

I wasn't here when they got together, nor was I when Rin and Sousuke just started dating, so I'm curious to what they did to celebrate it. I bet it was something way too over the top, since it's probably Nagisa's idea.

"Yeah." Rei shortly closes his eyes, deep in thought. "I still think we maybe shouldn't have done that though."

A slight blush appears on Rei's cheeks and Nagisa just grins like what they did was running through the hallways without clothes or something.

"What did you do?" I ask, chuckling because my ideas are weird, but Nagisa's also weird enough to get Rei to do whatever strange ideas he has.

Nagisa smiles in my direction and his cheeks turn slightly red. "Well," he begins, giving Rei a quick glance. "We kind of snuck into the kitchen, since Rei said they always have extra ingredients and we wanted to bake a cake to celebrate it."

Rei nods, meaning they actually broke the rules just like that and they probably got caught seeing his reaction when Nagisa reminded him of it.

"Yeah, they got so mad with us when they found us there," Rei tells us. "We got in so much trouble, weren't allowed to go to the activity that week and we had to stay in the cafeteria longer after every meal to clean off every table and chair to make up for it."

"The cake was delicious though." Nagisa laughs and I can't help but chuckle along even though it was really dumb of them to do such careless thing. But still, you'd think Nagisa would be able to come up with something that'd get them in even more trouble.

"But, anyway." Nagisa turns back to Haruka and me. "We should hold a little party for you two too! I mean, I'm completely banned from Rei's room so we can't do it in there, but we go do it in the cafeteria."

His gestures are big as he explains how we should sneak into the cafeteria at night and hang up balloons and dance on tables.

Haruka's hand squeezes mine lightly and I know he doesn't want to do something that will get us in trouble no matter what, and neither do I.

"Nagisa," I interrupt Nagisa.

He looks at us and I shake my head.

"Why not?" he asks, sounding as if he can start to cry and beg me with his big puppy eyes any moment. "It'll be so much fun!"

I glance at Haruka and when his blue eyes meet mine, I notice him begging me to agree with him on "no way" without even opening his mouth or making a sound.

"No, it'll bring us into so much trouble," I tell Nagisa, he starts pouting. "It's not worth it to go through the trouble to making a plan to sneak into the cafeteria if it'll only bring us more trouble than fun, you know?"

Nagisa turns to Rei and begs him to help him out. Unfortunately Rei listens and he's much better at negotiating than Nagisa.

"What if," he starts, but first he readjusts his glasses like a professional. "We party in the woods after lights out this evening." He pauses, giving me just enough time to think over everything that could and couldn't go wrong.

There's not much that could go wrong, because nurses never check your room twice during one night except for emergencies and they won't go look outside if no one's missing from their rooms when they do check. So if we're to leave after they check on us, we should be okay.

But that doesn't mean that it won't get us into a lot of trouble when something were to go wrong. Someone could get hurt, or they could catch one of us sneaking out.

And there's another huge problem; they close most doors after lights out and there's no way we can get outside through one of the windows since they're only open on a little crack to let in some fresh air.

"It's nearby, so if something's so happen we'll be back in to time and there's a lot of space to hide when a nurse comes outside. There's no way they can find us out there if we don't want them to find us." Rei explains. "I am almost one hundred percent sure they leave the backdoor open for emergencies and there's no alarm on it, so we can sneak out through that door with ease."

Rei's giving me a hard time, because he's right and I can't make anyone belief that he isn't. So when he's done talking and asks, "So, what do you think?" I have no idea what to answer.

I still don't like the thought of sneaking outside and breaking every possible rule, but I have no excuses left. I glance at Haruka, who also seems rather flabbergasted because of Rei's speech, and after that my gaze moves to Rin. He's half asleep against the tree, I doubt he even really listened to what Rei was saying.

"What about Rin?" I ask, Rin's eyes shoot open as soon as I say his name. "He hasn't been feeling great." I turn to Rin. "Have you?"

Rin opens his mouth, not sure what to say, so I continue saying, "We don't want him to catch a cold by staying outside for too long, or something like that. He should get enough rest and not be partying outside while he could be sleeping."

"No, no, Makoto," he mumbles, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands and smiling like he's not been taking a lot of sick days off lately. "I'm okay, really."

I swallow; I don't know what else to say to not do this.

"Well, that settles it!" Nagisa says with a huge grin. "Tonight after you're checked on, go outside through the back. We'll gather in this spot." He pauses, looking around the circle we're sitting in. "And celebrate!"


Next Chapter: 
How will the party go? And does the perfectness last?

If Love Could Be The Cure We Need - A MakoHaru Medical AUWhere stories live. Discover now