Chapter 22: Boom Clap

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Makoto Tachibana

The sound of a med sensor, that's the most cursed sound possible. It means someone's heart has either stopped or is beating so rapidly that it's life-threatening.

I don't even want to think about whose it is, I don't want to see it, but my legs start running the direction of the beeping without hesitating.

I hear wheezing behind me, meaning Haruka's probably following me.

I'm just going on instinct, but I quickly find myself walking towards a room I've been many times before; Rei's room on the first floor.

No, please, no!

Every part of me is screaming as I get closer and closer to both the sound and Rei's room. I just don't want to it be what I think it is.

It would make sense; Rei was absent during breakfast this morning and Nagisa seemed pretty worried about him, meaning that Rei didn't let Nagisa know that he was taking a sick day off.

So what if he just slept until know, or what if nurses have been keeping him alive for the past few hours, not just for the time that Haruka and I are in this building.

I start running when I see a crowd gathered in the hallway. It's surrounding the noise, and Rei's room.

"No!" I scream, out loud this time.

The door is closed and a nurse is pressing herself through the crowd of people. I follow her, pushing aside people as my mind show's me the terrible options of what could be going on.

I'm start crying when an image of Rei lying on the ground with pale skin, deformed body and a beeping med sensor enters my brain. I shake away the thought, because I don't want to believe it; this can't be Rei's med sensor! It's not possible that I'm going to see one of my best friends die today.

My brain is just making me crazy, is what I tell myself but that doesn't help to make me feel less terrified.

I press through the crowd all the way to the now open door. I close my eyes for a second, feeling how tears run over my cheeks, before I dare to look.

My heart almost stops when I hear the beeping of the med sensor stop, which can mean two things; Rei's either saved of dead.

My eyes shoot open and my mouth immediately falls open when I see Rei's room. It's almost as if there's no one there; Rei's wheelchair is standing to the side and there's no choking body lying on the floor like I was expecting.

Instead there's a blond wig, red glasses and a large amount of clothing on the floor and lump of blanket on Rei's bed.

Two pairs of eyes staring are at the nurse in the doorway. One of the pairs of eyes belongs to Rei, but the other sh0uldn't even been in this room. Nagisa's wigless head is sticking out from under Rei's blanket.

They're both blushing really badly, and even though it shouldn't take that long to figure what they were doing it only occurs to me when someone in the crowd yells, "So, Ryuugazaki." His voice is loud, and cynical. "Appears Hazuki's blow job is to die for!"

"We weren't--." Rei's face turns even redder and when my eyes meet Nagisa's he glances away shamefully. I wonder if this is the reason why Rei wasn't at breakfast this morning, because he wanted some alone time with Nagisa.

I want to turn away, because they should get some privacy; no one should be allowed to see this, but the nurse still hasn't closed the door.

People are laughing and shouting all kinds of things, going from "faggots!" to cynical comments about the situation, just to embarrass Nagisa and Rei.

The nurse turns around to all of us, her eyes big and cheeks flushed in shock. She seems like she's never seen something like this happen before, even though I doubt that's the case when you fill one dorm building with over seventy teenagers.

"Everyone go back to your rooms!" she yells, her voice is stern and her expression serious but still a little shocked. "And I don't want any of you to say another word about what happened."

There's something of empathy in her voice, almost as if it happened to herself once before and she knows how shameful it is to be interrupted during such moment. That empathy disappears when she turns back to Rei and Nagisa and says, "Out of the bed, both of you. And put on some clothes, right now!"

The door closes and I can hear her yelling at them through the walls. They're going to get in trouble for this, I know it, but I'm just really glad that it wasn't something more serious.



Okay, no but really this one was tiny... so two again? Yeah? YEAH!

Enjoy :)


Next Chapter: 
A nightmare of the worst time ever... but was it just a dream?

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