Chapter 38: What Love Really Means

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Makoto Tachibana

Days here are strange. I barely ever leave my room and time sometimes passes very quickly while other times it takes a long time for something to go by.

I don't know for how long I've been here. I think it's long.

Sometimes the older woman and man sitting at my bed leave and someone comes by to tell me it's time to sleep when they leave. I miss them sometimes, but I still haven't found out who they are.

I also am very sure that the man that does painful things to me sometimes is a wizard. He made me go to sleep one day, but I didn't want to sleep. I don't remember what happened while I was sleepy or before that, but when I woke up the woman and man and their kids were back in my room. I had a bellyache and I think they stopped giving me real food because of that.

I'm never hungry. Maybe it's because they give me special food through a strange thing in my stomach. I've seen it a few times, how they push something into my belly through the strange hole. I'm sure it's magic.

Today the woman and man are sitting next to my bed again. They start looking sadder every time they walk through the door. I hope they're not fighting when they're not here.

The kids sometimes fight over some things, but it's not often because the man and woman will get mad. And sometimes they cry when I smile at them, I don't know why, I think I scare them.

The kids are also here now, but they're not playing games on the floor right now. They're both sitting on the man and woman's laps. And they're both looking at me.

The man and woman also look at me until the door opens.

Most time the door opens and the wizard man walks in and talks to them. I still don't always understand what he talks to them about, but I think it's me they talk about. They talk about 'Makoto' and the woman and man call me that all the time.

This time it isn't the wizard man. There are more people coming in through the door and when they're all inside the room is full.

Two people are in rolling chairs, I don't think they can walk, and the other two are pushing them. The woman asks the walking people to take a chair but there aren't any left. They don't sit down.

Everyone is looking at me. They all look very sad.

I don't think I know most of them. Maybe I do, because they all look at me like they know me. Everyone always looks at me like they know me, but I don't know them and I think something is wrong with me.

One of them is crying. It's someone with long pink hair, long like a girl, but I think he's a boy. He is wearing a strange tight collar, like a dog, and I don't know why he's wearing that because it doesn't look pretty on him.

Another boy is also in a chair with wheels. He is wearing pretty glasses, I wish my glasses were that pretty and red, but mine are black and I never wear them.

"Hi, Mako!" A short, thin boy is the only one who talks. He is loud and that hurts my head. I close my eyes because of the sting.

The others also say "hello" or wave at me. One of them doesn't. I think I know him, because he's been in my room before.

He's always silent. The only things he says are "hello" and "goodbye", but I want him to talk more when he's with me because I like the way his voice sounds.

The boy is very pretty. Prettier than the older woman, because she's old and this boy is young. And the boy has pretty blue eyes and a fun blue hat and I always want to know what his hair looks like, but he never takes off the hat.

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