Chapter 37: I Don't Want To Lose You

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Haruka Nanase

It's almost a week later, and I guess I can say a lot has happened since a week ago; Rin got out of the hospital and is now revalidating. He's not yet able to walk yet, because he's been in bed for so long, but he's getting more adjusted to talking with his tracheotomy.

So during resting period Rin's joining us again, but we don't go out in the woods so often. There are two reasons for that; because I am terrified of going where I found Makoto laying on the ground and because it's very hard to get through the mud when we have two people using wheelchairs.

Makoto, on the other hand, is still about the same; not much verbal communication, I heard he talked a few times but not much, failing motor system and almost no access to older memories for as far as they know.

I also heard that they had to put him under anesthetics a few days ago because he wasn't eating well, he couldn't swallow the food properly, so they had to place a feeding tube. I've seen him afterwards, but he was asleep when I got there and for some reason I was very glad about that since he looks more like himself that way.

Today during resting period, we get together with the entire group, because we all wanted to talk about ways to get Makoto back to normal. We noticed how much we needed him in our group, because he's basically a mom-figure for all of us and without him we get into so much more trouble, or so it seems.

That's why I'm now on my way to Rei's room, we're actually not allowed in there anymore, but because it's the only place we can talk in private we almost have to meet up there.

I knock on the door and Nagisa's the one to open it. Rin and Rei are already inside and Nagisa has saved a spot on the bed for me. That's where I sit down, with my notebook and pencil in hand because I want to write all the ideas down.

"Okay, let's start this meeting," Nagisa says with an overly dramatic official voice as if he's some important person at a big meeting over politics or something. "The subject is 'Makoto', and the question is 'what can we do to get him back?'."

Rei chuckles, because even though it's a very serious subject Nagisa always finds a way to make everyone less serious.

"I thought maybe we could gather some pictures?" Rei suggests. "Nagisa has been taking a lot over the couple of past months and I'm sure if we'll show them Makoto must remember some of them."

I write it down, together with "gather memories in book?" just when Nagisa suggests to write or put everything we find into a book.

"Memories that might really help him remember," Rin suggests, his voice is squeaky and hoarse so he has to explain himself even more before we actually get what he means. "We can brainstorm about good moments he must remember and write them down."

"Good idea!" Rei and Nagisa reply in sync, so I write that down as well.

At the end of our meeting we've got a lot of ideas for how we can try to get Makoto's memories back and we've also divided the tasks that come with them.

Nagisa will look for the pictures, since most of them will be in his room, and afterwards he and Rei will go to doctor Daiki to inform him about our idea and try to convince him that it's a good idea.

Before going to doctor Daiki, Rei and Rin will brainstorm about good moments that might help Makoto remember, I'll write the stories down in one of my unused drawing books so we all have them in one place.

So I'll do all the writing and getting the memory book together into one "gift" so we can easily present it to Makoto. I also will go into Makoto's room this afternoon to see if he has anything lying in his room that might help us.

After dividing the task we all go to our last lessons of the day. As soon as my last class ends, I go to Makoto's room.

It's strange to go inside, knowing he won't be there. It's a mess in his room, so I guess before it happened he might've forgotten to clean up for a while. Especially his desk is a mess, there are many post-its scattered around the wooden surface.

I lean in closer to see what he's written on it, but I'm not suspecting to find anything interesting; I just thought these are the notes he used to keep track of his medication, but that's not the case.

They're all color coded stacks of post-its, and they're written on on both sides. I read one of the little bundles and it's giving me a lot of information about Makoto, information I didn't even know about him.

I find a few more about us, Rin and Nagisa, Rei and me, and also about Makoto's family and about Sousuke too. They're all filled with so much information.

I smiles and hold the little bundles of important information against my chest as if I'm hugging them. I'm so glad Makoto wrote this down, I tell myself while I happily close my eyes. He's so smart!

I take the notes to my room, certain we will be able to use these and positive they'll help Makoto remembering.


Next Chapter: 
Will their attempt on getting Makoto's memories back to normal work?

Or will this never be a happy ending?

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