Chapter 35: 'Cause It Hurts

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Makoto Tachibana

The small room is filled with people, a lot of them.

I recognize some of the people, but not completely. There's this older woman with green hair and a lot of wrinkles around her eyes. She looks sad, but kind, like she could be a nanny or a teacher.

Maybe that's where I recognize her from. I think she might be a teacher at my school or that she's taken care of me when I was littler.

Then there's this man, he's holding the woman's hand almost all the time. He has brown hair and glasses that he takes off all the time to rub his face.

He also looks very sad. I don't know why, because if I would be holding the hand of a woman as pretty as her I wouldn't be looking that sad.

Two kids younger than me are also constantly running through the room. They look almost the same, but not completely. One of them is a girl with the same color hair as the older woman and the other is a boy with brown hair just like the man.

The kids have been doing things on the floor all the time and sometimes the yell at each other and the woman will get mad at them. But right now the kids are both sleeping on chairs with their heads lying on the end of my bed.

They all look a little sad all the time, and I try to figure out why. Just like I've been trying to figure out why I'm wherever I am and why it's so hard to speak and who I am. I don't know the answer to any of my questions.

I want to ask where I am, but when I open my mouth all that comes out is a painful groan. It hurts my throat whenever I do that and something in my mouth also starts to tingle and itch really badly when I do that.

The woman looks at me with a sad frown before turning to the man, asking, "Dear, can you give me a napkin?"

The man gets up really slowly, he moves really slowly all the time, and walks up to something in the distance. It's some kind of table which stands against the wall and there are all sorts of things on it that I have never seen before.

When the man gets back he gives a piece of paper to the woman. When she looks back at me she smiles kindly while she leans closer.

"Makoto, you've got a little..." She rubs against my mouth and chin with the piece of paper and that feels nice for some reason. "... dribble." She leans back into her chair again and smiles at me. "There, that's better. Isn't it, sweetie?"

Sweetie? She called me that many times already. But why?

If she's a nanny she wouldn't call me sweetie, would she? Maybe I'm closer to her than that, but I don't know what's closer than a nanny.

Maybe she's my mother? I tell myself that that can't be the case, because I would've recognized her if she was. She must be a nanny or something.

I stare into the woman's eyes and see how her face becomes sadder again when she looks away. She gives the man a hug, he still looks sad about it.

The door opens, it makes much noise which hurts my head. A man walks into the room, I think he's younger than the man and woman who have been near me the entire time, and I recognize the man; he was in my room a while ago, doing things to me and sometimes they hurt me.

"Miss and mister Tachibana," he says, making a short bow towards the woman and the man. "Thank you, again, so much for coming by." He makes a sound like breathing out and after that he takes a chair which I didn't even know was in the room. Maybe this man is a wizard, because he can just make things appear and disappear like a wizard. He did that earlier too, when he was in the room with me, he made a needle thing appear and put it in my arm.

It's still in my arm, maybe it's giving me special powers too.

"I have news about your son," the wizard man says.

I turn to the two kids, wondering if one of them is the son of the nanny. And why am I also in this room? Maybe the woman is my mother after all... but that couldn't be the case, because I'm sure she's a nanny.

I feel a hand holding mine, squeezing it lightly. I'm glad, because I was really jealous of the older man, I wanted to hold the woman's hand too. She's pretty and really nice, she helps me all the time and I don't even have to ask for it.

"As I already told you Makoto's having an episode," the wizard man tells the woman and the man. He keeps talking, but I don't understand much of what he's saying. The man uses words which might not even really exist, like gastrostomy, cognitive behavior, inability and lack of verbal communication.

It all sounds very wizard, but I don't know what he's talking about.

The woman and man do seem to know what he's saying and they look really sad about it. When the wizard man leaves the room after talking to them the woman even starts crying.

I'm very mad at the wizard man for making the woman sad. I wish I could say something about it to him so he wouldn't do that again.

I also want to tell the woman that it is okay and that she doesn't have to cry over what the mean wizard man told her. I want to hold her hand again, but she let go and I don't think I'm strong enough to lift up my hand to take hers.

I do try to tell her that it's going to be okay, but all the happens is that I open my mouth and groan. Pain shoots through my throat and I close my eyes for a second.

When I open my eyes again, the woman is looking at me with red eyes, I think she cried really hard.

When she smiles kindly to me, she makes a little sound that makes water drip from her eyes again. She's really sad. I don't like that.

What I do like is when she comes closer to me and she gives me a hug. It's a nice and warm hug, but not too warm. It's the kind of hug that only nice people can give and she gives the best hugs because she is the nicest person I know.

When she's hugging me, I see everything blurry and my eyes and mouth are feeling really wet and cold. My nose feels like it's also crying, just like the woman.

She hugs me for long, not minding that I'm getting her shoulder wet, and when she sits back she takes a lot of pieces of paper. Because she's nice she shares it with me. She uses one half of the paper for herself, to wipe away the water under her eyes.

The other half she uses tohelp me, wiping all the wetness off my cheeks and chin, because she's so nice.I just wish I could remember who she is. 


Next Chapter: 
Everything is off, knowing that Makoto's not who he used to be...

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