Chapter 29: Perfect Doesn't Last

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Hey There!
This is officially the chapter where I decided to let my mind take over fully in the most wholesome and the most fucked up way; this is the part of the story I'm the proudest of, the last 10 chapters :)

Love, Noa <3

Haruka Nanase

That night I sneak out through the emergency door as promised.

I noticed that Makoto still wasn't completely agreeing, even when we said our temporarily goodbye when we went to our rooms about an hour ago. I hope he's still going to show up, because I don't want to sneak out and maybe get in trouble if he won't even be there.

I'm walking over the field, towards the forest. We do this every afternoon, but the outsides look different in the dark; much wider and even a little creepy.

It sucks that we can't walk with more people at a time if we don't want to get caught by the nurses, because otherwise I'd demanded to walk with Makoto. I don't want him to forget what we're doing tonight and get lost, but I probably just shouldn't worry so much.

By the time I reach our usual hangout spot, I'm already exhausted of walking there and I immediately drop down with my back against one of the trees. I'm catching my breathe, clenching my stomach as I hear rustling of leafs.

I look up and stare straight into the two deep, bright green eyes I know in and out.

It's Makoto, and he's looking a little scared as he sits down beside me and gives me a tight hug.

"That was terrifying," he whispers in my ear and his grip tightens. "I was so scared I was going to run into something or someone."

I want to chuckle, because somewhere deep inside I had the feeling that Makoto was going to get scared no matter what – he's a scaredy cat – but I decide not to, since I don't want to sound mean.

Makoto and I just sit beside each other for a moment, Makoto keeps talking about how afraid he's for ghosts and things like that and how those are known for being nearby in the dark and I try to find the words to tell him that ghosts don't exists.

Not much later Rei and Nagisa also appear. They've brought things like food, I don't know where they got that from, and a lot of water bottles and water guns.

"I had some water guns lying in my room," Nagisa tells us as he sits down. "I thought we could have some fun with them."

Makoto and I glance at each other and Makoto chuckles, as if we're thinking the exact same.

"Nagisa, why do you casually own five water guns?" Makoto asks, so apparently we were thinking the same. I fold my hand in from of my mouth and look away while I try to hold back a giggle, which does kind of work but not completely and a short hiccup like laugh leaves my mouth.

"Well, who cares?" Nagisa cheerfully answers, avoiding the question in a smart but casual way. He throws one of the water guns at Makoto, who fails to catch it, and one at me, I manage to catch it though.

Rei also holds one of the water guns and seeing his wet hair Nagisa's already soaked him on the way here.

"Come at me, but know you can't win!" Nagisa says, getting on his feet and pointing his water gun at Makoto and me. He's ready to shoot, but confusion appears on his face when Makoto puts his hands in the air and says, "Wait!"

Nagisa lowers his gun, he slightly tilts his head as he frowns at Makoto. "Why?"

Makoto glances around the place we're sitting, in the end his eyes meet mine for a second before he turns back to Nagisa. "Shouldn't we wait for Rin to arrive?"

Nagisa and Rei look at each other, Nagisa looks rather disappointed but Rei grins like he does every time he has a good solution for something. It's a grin I've seen many times, because he really seems to be the only one who comes up with smart solutions, contrary to Nagisa who cannot come up with anything smart at all.

"We shouldn't worry about Rin too much," Rei tells us. "He's probably going to be late no matter what, because he looked very tired this afternoon. If he will show up, I'll stay here anyway, nothing's able to happen."

Nagisa looks at us, smiling proudly because of his boyfriends ideas. He points the gun at Makoto again and grins wide.

Makoto shoots me a quick glance and takes his water gun in his hands as well. He looks back at Nagisa and says, "Okay, in that case." He gets on his feet as quick as possible and takes a step in Nagisa's direction. "Prepare to lose!"

Makoto shoots, Nagisa squeaks in fear and runs away.

At first I watch as they try to get each other as soaked as possible, from a distance, but not long after I get on my feet as well and join them.

Running hurts and I haven't run in a while, but it feels great to feel free again. I've taken off my shoes, just like Nagisa and Makoto, and the slightly damp grass feels amazing when it tickles in between my toes.

Nagisa's shrieking is loud and high pitched and he does it every time either one of us two shoots at him, but he somehow manages to not get wet that quickly; he's small and good at dodging.

Makoto's a larger target, but he's even harder to soak with the freezing water. When I finally manage to wet him, he immediately returns the favor by splashing me until all layers of clothes I'm wearing are soaked.

I've missed the water, so it's nice to feel the cold liquid on my skin again. Instead of being mad with Makoto for shooting at me with all of his gun's content, I'm about to thank him when Nagisa suddenly shrieks.

None of us have our water guns pointed at him, and Rei's watching from afar and therefore unable to hit Nagisa from that distance. I meet Makoto's gaze and he shrugs, also wondering why Nagisa's screaming.

I turn to where the sound was coming from and see that Nagisa's sitting on the ground, he's bending over something. He's too far away for me to see what is going on. Part of me thinks he's just slipped on the wet grass, but he doesn't get up.

Makoto's hand wraps around mine and we start walking in Nagisa's direction to see what's going on.

Rei's already joined Nagisa and I watch as he folds his hand in front of his mouth. As we get closer and we see what's going on, Makoto's grip tightens until his hand suddenly lets go, followed by a loud sob.

My hand falls back, bumping against my hip, as I watch the area lit by a flashlight. There's a pale body lying in the damp grass, it's hard to see colors in this light, but I immediately see its long maroon hair.

I fold my hand in front of my mouth as the world seems to start spinning.

"Please, god, no!" Makoto's voice sounds, high-pitched and trembling. The thumb of his knees hitting the muddy ground followed by an even louder sob than before. He warps himself over Rin's body and cries. "Rin!"


Next Chapter:
Rin is running out of air, will he survive?

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