Chapter Four - Confessions

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I was at the studio with Livie. Right before I closed up, I decided to sing No Ordinary Girl, one of my unreleased songs, my favorite song, that I don't have any plans of releasing. I didn't realize that Livie connected my studio to the speakers of the entire building, so everyone  could hear it, and nobody was supposed to hear it. When I came out of the recording booth, I saw Livie, Niall, Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, directing the question at Niall

"Hey, I heard your song playing through the speaker and-" Niall started, but I cut him off

"Shit! No! God dammit!" I yelled

"What? What's wrong with-" Niall started, but I cut him off...again

"That's an unreleased song that I don't plan on releasing. Nobody was supposed to hear it." I walked into the recording booth to clean up a bit.

"Just calm down and come on, we have a party to get to Addy." Livie said, making me remember it's still my birthday.

"A party?!" All the boys yelled at the same time, weirdly synchronized.

"Ha, no, I'm not going." I said, not wanting to celebrate.

"Yes, you are, it's your birthday." Livie added, making the boys inhale, getting ready to shout again, but I stopped them.

"Ah, no. One thing you should know about me is the only thing I hate is my birthday." They were going to question me, but, thankfully, my phone started ringing. It was my mum, so I picked up.

"Hi mum."

"Grandma died this morning, I'm so sorry sweet-" Was all she could get out before I hung up. I was very close to my grandma and a couple years ago, she was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. I ran out of the booth. I tried to run out of the building, but the boys blocked the entrance.

"Move." I simply demanded

"No." Niall responded, just as determined as me.

"Alright then." I said. I picked up a knife from off the desk that I spotted earlier and held it to my arm. "Move your asses or I'll do it." I said on the verge of tears, I didn't want anyone to see me cry. The boys looked as if they had seen a ghost. They moved, so I threw the knife back on the table and ran out of the building. I ran to the house my grandma rented when she came to visit me. I slid onto the ground and cried my eyes out. About an hour later, I looked up and saw Niall walking towards me.

"You had us all worried sick!" Niall exclaimed

"Sorry. I'm fine." I said as I stood up and wiped my tears, trying to be strong.

I started to walk away when Niall grabbed my arm and turned me back around to face him again.

"Obviously, you're not fine. You sat there and cried for God knows how long. Why did you run? Why won't you let me in? What are you so afraid of?"

"I ran because my grandma died. And if I let you in, you're just going to leave, just like everyone else, just like my grandma. She promised me that she'd fight her cancer and that she'd stay, but she left. If I let you in, you're just going to leave like everyone else."

"You don't know that. You don't know me. I really like you Addy. Please, just one date, that's all I'm asking."

"Fine. One date. But that doesn't mean we're together. I'll see what I wanna do after that. And Niall?"

"Tell me."

"I really like you too."

We headed back to my flat, Niall being the only one who knew about my grandma. We walked into my flat and all my friends and the boys were there.

"SURPRISE!!" They all yelled at the same time. I just walked to the counter and set my keys down.

"You usually crack at least a small smile. Here, this'll cheer you up." Charolette said. She handed me a picture of me and my grandma at the beach. I started to cry. "What's wrong? You love looking at pictures of you and your grandma." She added. I started to cry harder.

"I suggest you stop right now." Niall chimed in, knowing what happened

"No, Niall. Unlike you, I know her. I know what makes her happy, and seeing pictures of her and her-"

"Dead grandma?! Her grandma died this morning, so I suggest you shut the fuck up this instant!!"

I started crying so hard I couldn't breathe properly. Niall took me into his arms and I started to calm down a bit, I felt safe in his arms. I fell asleep in his arms and he toned everything and everyone out and just focused on me, sleeping in his arms, my face wet and stained from tears. I could still hear them talking, as well as Niall's steady heartbeat, which calmed me more.

"Is he always like this?" Charolette asked

"No, only when it comes to protecting what he really loves and doesn't want to lose." Louis replied.

Did Niall love me? Did I love him? Right now, I just want to stay asleep and safe in Niall's arms and hope to wake up still in his arms, where I belong.

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