Chapter Forty-One - Home Again

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The doctor released us from the hospital and we checked out and got in the car to go home. Niall drove while Elaine was in the car seat and I sat in the passenger seat. I didn't say anything. I just looked out the window as we drove. I felt Niall grab my hand. Usually I would look at him and smile, but I didn't. I just looked out the window.

"What's wrong Princess?"

"It's nothing. I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yea." I knew we would talk later once we got home, Niall just wanted to focus on getting us home safely, so he didn't want to talk while driving. We pulled up to our flat and Niall got Elaine so I went and unlocked the door. I scrolled through Twitter for a bit and saw that #staystrongAddy and #staystrongNiall were trending worldwide. I felt myself start to cry so I placed my phone on the counter and started to walk to mine and Niall's room, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Baby, you need to tell me what's wrong. What is it?"

"Niall that was so scary?"

"Ok. Talk to me. I'm here."

"Niall I could feel EVERYTHING, I could hear EVERYTHING, but I couldn't DO ANYTHING. All I could do was yell at myself internally to wake the hell up and not leave. I could feel the life support pushing air into my lungs and it hurt. I could feel the wound in my stomach. I could feel everything and hear everything, but I couldn't do anything Niall." I said as I cried. He held me close and listened to me. "Niall, it was a nightmare. One big nightmare that I don't ever want to relive."

"You won't relive it Princess. I'll never let anything like that happen to you again. I promise."

"Ok." I sniffled

"Let's get you to bed, it's late. I'll hold you super close tonight, ok?"


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