Chapter Fifty Eight - The Late Late Show

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We got a call the other day from James Corden and he wants me and Niall to be on The Late Late Show and bring Elaine, so that's what we're doing tonight. It'll be kinda late at night, so Elaine will probably fall asleep during the show. It's October 6, making me 6 months pregnant and I look like a fucking whale, I swear to god. I was looking at my stomach in the body length mirror Niall and I have in our bedroom.

"The things I go through for you little one." I said. Niall started laughing. I didn't know he was in here. He was leaning against the door frame

"You look beautiful baby."

"I look like a fucking whale."

"Look at me. You are beautiful ok? And you know what makes you even more beautiful?"


"The fact that our child is growing inside of you."

"I love you Niall."

"I love you too Addy. Now let's get going."

"Ok." We brought Elaine with us, putting her in pajamas since she was probably going to fall asleep. I was just in a striped shirt and jeans and Niall was in a t-shirt and jeans. We drove to the studio and pulled up just in time. Stage crew gave us both mics to put on our clothing.

"Welcome tonight's guests, Addy C and Niall Horan!" James said as we walked onstage, waving to the crowd

"Addy, nice to see you again. Niall, it's been forever mate. And who's this?" James asked

"This is Elaine." Niall said

"Hello Elaine." James said, waving at Elaine. She was tired, so she just snuggled herself in Niall's chest and sucked on her pacifier.

"So, you guys have been married for a while now. How's that going for you?"

"It's going great." I said

"Good. Good. That's good. I see that you're having another baby."

"Yes, we are." I said

"Congratulations! Is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's a boy." Niall said

"Oh nice! Have you picked a name yet?"

"Yes, we have. We're naming him Caleb." Niall said

"Oh that's cute." James said

"Niall wanted to name him Philbert. I said no way in hell." I said

"Niall! You wanted to name him Philbert? What kind of a name is that?"

"I dunno. The first name that came to my head." Niall said

"Oh honey, that's sad." I said, making everyone laugh.

"Mummy." Elaine said, making the pacifier fall out of her mouth. Luckily Niall caught it before it landed on the ground

"I'm right here baby. Nice catch Niall." I said as she leaned for me. I took her out of Niall's hands and into mine. Niall handed me the pacifier. She wasn't crying right now, so she didn't need it.

"She is so cute you guys." James said

"Thank you." We both said

"How old is she?"

"She's one. She turned one in August." I answered him

"Well, she's a very beautiful baby."

"Thank you." We said again

"She can be a trouble maker though." Niall said

"Oh no." James said

"Yea. Just the other day she figured out how to get into the freezer and she got into the ice cream. It was all over the walls and the floor and the cupboard and her. It was a mess." I said

"Oh no! Did you get into the ice cream little one?" James asked Elaine.

"Ice cream!" Elaine shouted

"No, no ice cream baby." I said, making Elaine start to cry. "Shhh it's ok." I laughed as I put the pacifier in her mouth. "Sorry."

"Oh no, you're totally fine. So has she said any full sentences yet?"

"Actually yes, she has." Niall said

"Yea, we went camping in September and she came up to me and kissed my baby bump and said 'I love you baby' and that was her first sentence and what in the world are you doing baby? Oh. She's got my finger again, that's nice." Niall just laughed

"Again with the finger?" Niall said, still laughing. James looked very confused.

"She's teething. My hands are always cold, so it feels good to her. She did this while we were camping. She didn't wanna let go, so I was just sitting that while Niall held her with my finger in her mouth." I said

"Oh that's funny. So I see she's already talking, is she walking yet?"

"Yup, she started walking at 8 months. She's done everything early. She first laughed at 2 weeks and she started talking at 10 months." I said

"Wow. That's incredible. So she's a pretty smart baby, isn't she?"

"Yea, she's very smart. When we went camping, she knew she was teething, so she snuck a teething toy in the cooler and when Addy took her finger out of Elaine's mouth, she went to the cooler to find something for her and she found the teething toy. Neither of us put it in there." Niall said

"Wow. That's amazing. Well it appears that our time is out. It was wonderful seeing you guys again. Congrats on the baby. And nice to meet you Elaine. Thanks for coming guys."

"Bye!" Niall and I both said. We walked backstage, me carrying a sleeping Elaine, my finger still in her mouth. I pulled my finger out of her mouth and put her pacifier in. I buckled her into her car seat and we headed home for the night.

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