Chapter Fifty Seven - Boy Or Girl?

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I'm five months pregnant now. I have a doctors appointment today and we're finding out the gender of the baby. Niall and I are beyond excited. We're dropping Elaine off at Zayn and Gigi's house for the day so they could watch her and Niall and I could have the day to ourselves.

"Thank you so much for taking her for the day guys." I said

"No problem Addy, just be sure to let us know if it's a boy or a girl ok?" Zayn said

"Ok, will do. Bye baby girl." I answered

"Bye Princess." Niall said

"Bye mummy. Bye daddy." Elaine said

We got in the car to drive to the office.

"You excited?" Niall asked

"Of course. You?"


We got to the office and I checked in. It wasn't very busy today, so it only took a couple minutes for the doctor to call us back.

"Adelaide Horan." The doctor called. Hearing the name sent shivers down my spine, even though I've been married to Niall for four months now. Niall and I stood up and walked back with the doctor.

"Go ahead and have a seat Mrs. Horan." The doctor said. I did as she said and laid down in the chair and Niall sat in a chair next to me. The doctor lifted up my shirt and placed the cold gel on my stomach. I looked over to Niall who gave me a smile and I took his hand. We heard the heartbeat of our baby, which meant it was still living.

"Your baby looks very healthy Mrs. Horan. Would you like to know the gender?"

"Yes please!" Niall and I said at the same time.

"Congratulations you two, you're having a baby boy. And he and the mother are very healthy." The doctor said and then left the room to give Niall and I some privacy. I looked over at Niall and he was crying.

"You ok baby?" I asked Niall.

"Imma have a baby boy." Niall said in complete disbelief

"Yea. We're gonna have a baby boy."

We thanked the doctor and left the office. We headed back to Zayn's and Gigi's place to pick up Elaine.

"Hey guys! How'd it go!" Zayn asked as Gigi went to get Elaine.

"It was great!" I said

"Is it a girl or a boy?" He asked

"It's a boy!" Niall said, still super excited.

"Shit." I said

"What? Are you ok?" Niall asked concerned

"Yea, I'm fine. I just remembered that we still haven't officially told anyone."

"Oh shit. We'll do it when we get home."

"Well congrats guys." Zayn said

"Thanks mate." Niall said

We headed back home and put Elaine down for a nap. I pulled out my phone and tagged Niall in a tweet

@NiallOfficial here we go again. 4 months. 4 more months and you get to hold our baby boy in your arms.

@AddyCOfficial can't wait. Shall we pick a name?

@NiallOfficial pick a name we shall

"AddyCOfficial ok, how about Philbert?

@NiallOfficial never in a million years am I naming my baby boy Philbert.

@AddyCOfficial ok, then how about Caleb?

@NiallOfficial aww, I like Caleb. How about Caleb James?

@AddyOfficial Caleb James Horan. I like it.

@NiallOfficial Caleb James Horan it is.

@AddyCOfficial Caleb James Horan it is.

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