Chapter Twelve - The Campout (Day Two)

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I woke up to birds chirping and the steady breathing of Niall. I had my head against his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around me, so I could hear his heartbeat. The sound of his heartbeat always calmed me down, just knowing that he's alive and breathing and his heart is beating makes me happy. I smiled to myself as I remembered the events that occurred yesterday. He had brought me to this campsite to get away from the world, so it could be just me and him for the weekend, just the two of us in our own little world, and to be honest, I really needed it. I looked up at Niall to see he was still sleeping. I managed to crawl out of his arms without waking him up. I grabbed my clothes for the day and went to change. After I got changed, I went out to build a fire so I could make some breakfast before Niall woke up. I went to the car and opened the cooler to find some eggs. I grabbed a couple eggs, two mugs, some hot coco mix, and some water bottles to fill the mugs with. I put the eggs on the pan to cook. Once the eggs were done, I heated the water and put the hot coco mix in. Right as I finished making the hot coco, Niall came out of the tent. He never stays asleep much longer after I leave his arms.

"Hey." Niall said walking over to me and planting a kiss on my lips

"Hey. You hungry? I made breakfast."

"Starving." Niall said as he patted his stomach. We both laughed a bit. I handed Niall a plate full of scrambled eggs and a cup of warm hot coco and did the same for myself. After breakfast we put the paper plates in the fire to burn and rinsed off the mugs to take back home. We were leaving for our flats today after dinner. I didn't want to go, I wanted it to be just the two of us out here forever, and I still didn't want to leave Niall and go on tour. It was so peaceful and perfect here, I wish it would stay like this forever.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked Niall as he walked up to me from putting stuff in the car.

"Pretty good. That is, until you left my arms. How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good. It's so calm and peaceful out here. I could stay here, just the two of us, forever."

"Me too baby, me too. Come here, I wanna show you something."  Niall walked me over to the picnic blanket with the candles and the guitar. I would finally know why it was there. He sat me down and took his place next to me and put the guitar in his hands. "This is a song that I wrote for you. I started writing it before we started dating and I kinda forgot about it once we started dating, then I was going through some stuff at the studio the day I got off early and I found it and took it home and finished writing it. I thought it would be nice, since I have it finished, to take my guitar up here and show it to you." He started playing the guitar. "This song is called Black And White."

"And there'll never be another

I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life." 

Tears filled my eyes as he sang the last two lines of the song. He strummed the last chord of the song and put the guitar next to him.

"I love you Adelaide. So much."

"I love you too Niall. More than you can imagine."

We sat there and talked for hours. By the time we were done talking, it was noon, so we walked to the car to get some food for lunch. We decided to make it simple and just make some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Although they were just simple peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, they were the best ones I have ever tasted, they were delicious. There was no mess to clean up, so Niall and I went straight to the tent to change into our swimsuits to go for one last swim in the lake before we left for home. The water was a lot colder than yesterday and I didn't want to get in.

"Come on baby, get in." Niall pleaded

"No, it's cold."

"I'll keep you warm. Dont make me push you in."

"You wouldn't." I gasped

"Try me." He said as he walked towards me. I turned to run, but I was too slow. Niall picked me up bridal style. I grabbed on to his neck, not wanting to let go, but he threw me into the cold water. He dove in and swam up to me as I came back up for breath, shivering. "Oh come on, it's not that bad."

"You're talking, you're a guy, you think nothing is cold. I swear if I get sick Horan."

"You won't get sick, stop being a baby." He pulled me closer to him to try and warm me up, probably feeling a bit sorry for throwing me into the cold water. We didn't swim around as much as yesterday since we were both a little cold. We had warmed up to the water, but it was still too cold to swim in. We decided to get out and go for a walk instead. I'm just glad that Niall packed my jacket, he must have checked the weather before packing everything up.


"Tell me."

"Thank you."

"What for baby?"

"For everything. Taking me here this weekend. Being there for me. Being the best boyfriend ever."

"I'd do anything for my Princess, you know that."

"I love you Nialler."

"I love you too Adds."

After our nice walk it was time for dinner, so we made some food and ate. After we ate, we had to clean up the campsite, because we were going to head back home, so we could get home before it was too late since Niall has work tomorrow. We packed up the tent and the food. We put the fire out and picked up any trash that we may have accidentally left behind around the campsite. Once everything was packed up, we got into the car and headed home. Once we got back to Niall's flat, it was pretty late, so Niall had me stay at his place again. We got to his flat and brought our bags and everything from the car inside. We put the eggs in the fridge and put our dirty laundry in the washing machine. By the time we finally had everything done, it was 10 PM. Time to retreat to the bed. We changed into our pajamas, well, I did, Niall just slept in his boxers. I crawled into bed next to Niall and he pulled the covers over the both of us. I pressed my back up against his chest and he rested his face in the crook of my neck with his arms wrapped tightly around me. I placed my arms over his and our legs were entwined. We stayed like this for the rest of the night and slept peacefully, which was good since we both had stuff to do tomorrow.

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