Chapter Fifty One - The Results

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Charolette dropped off a box of pregnancy tests and went back home. I was in the bathroom using the tests. It was now 2:30 AM. I heard the timer beep, telling me the tests were ready. I used three of them, just to be sure. I flipped them over one by one, since I had them facing down. The first one tested positive. Second, positive. Third, positive. Yup, I was pregnant.

"Hey Niall?" I called Niall.

"Yea baby?" He called back

"Can you come in here please?"

"Coming Princess."


"What's up?"

I didn't answer, I just leaned against the sink, staring at the three positive pregnancy tests that lay in there. Niall's eyes shifted from me to the tests. He picked them up and I stood up, facing him and letting out a big breath.

"You're pregnant?" I just but my lip and nodded. "Baby! That's great! We're gonna have another baby!" That made me smile. I was relieved that he was happy about this.

"I need to get to the doctor today, wanna come with me or stay here with Elaine?" I asked

"Well of course I wanna come, but that depends on how Elaine is feeling." He replied

"Ok. I guess we'll have to wait and see then."

"Baby, this is great. I can't wait." I just smiled. "Looks like it's a good thing that tour got cancelled."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because then you wouldn't be pregnant because we would be on tour and our wedding wouldn't be next month."

"That's true." Niall walked up to me and kissed me

"I love you." Then he bent down and placed a soft kiss on my stomach as I ruffled his  hair. "And you." Then we heard Elaine crying again. "And her." We ran upstairs to see what Elaine needed. I walked in and picked her up and she immediately stopped crying.

"Hi baby girl. Hi." I cooed to her. She started laughing  

"Looks like someone's feeling better."

"Much better, huh Elaine?"

"M-m-m." Elaine hummed. I just looked at Niall.

"Is she tryna talk?" Niall asked

"I dunno."

"Mu-mu-mmmu-mum." Elaine said

"She talked!" I yelled

"Her first word!" Niall yelled

"Look at you go! Look at you go!" I yelled as I picked her up and tossed her into the air. She started laughing. She loved being tossed in the air.

"Mummy." Elaine said

"That's right. Now can you say daddy?" I asked her. "Da-dy."


"Da-dy." I repeated.

"Da-Da." She started. I looked at Niall, who was smiling

"Come on baby girl, you can do it." Niall said

"Da-dy." I said one last time

"Da-Da mummy." Elaine said

Niall and I both started laughing and decided to try again later.

I just got back from my appointment. Niall stayed home with Elaine. He was on my the couch with Elaine, trying to get her to say daddy. It was funny because he was recording it

"Daddy." Niall said

"Mummy." Elaine said




"Mu-my." This was funny. I smelled something burning.

"Babe, something's burning." I yelled

"Shit!" Niall yelled as I walked into the room he and Elaine were in.

"Shit!" Elaine repeated.

"Who taught you that?!" I half yelled. My baby girl just said her second word and it was a curse word

"Daddy." She said, pointing at Niall. Niall facepalmed. Oh yea. Big face palm moment. And the funny thing is, we got it on camera. Niall and I started laughing. Niall went and pulled the burning cookies out of the oven, made a new batch, and we enjoyed the rest of our day.

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