Chapter Fifty - Sick Baby

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Today is June 20, 2025. Niall and I have been dating for exactly two years now. Elaine is 10 months old now, and walking all over the place. Our wedding is next month, we sent out invitations in June 1st. I was sitting on the couch with Niall, watching golf. Elaine was standing in front of us, sucking on a cold pacifier. She was growing another tooth in, so she was fussy all the time. Elaine walked up to me with tears in her eyes, holding up her hands, indicating that she wanted to be held.

"Hi baby girl." I said as I picked her up and kissed her cheek, getting Niall's attention

"Aw, Princess, why ya cryin'?" Niall asked Elaine

"She's fussy. She's got another tooth coming in."

"Aw baby. That's rough."

Elaine started to cry with the pacifier in her mouth, which probably meant that it wasn't cold anymore. I took the pacifier of out her mouth and she started crying more.

"Here, lets go see daddy babes." I said as I handed our crying daughter to Niall. I took Elaine's pacifier and put it back in the freezer. I made her a bottle so she could go to sleep, she was pretty tired. She now ate baby food, but she would only go to sleep if you gave her a bottle "Yea, you're tired honey." I said as I took Elaine from Niall. I laid her in my arms and put the bottle in her mouth, but she refused at first.

"Come on baby girl." I said

"Is she not taking the bottle?" Niall asked

"No, I don't know why."

"Here, let me try." He took Elaine from me and I handed him her bottle. He cradled Elaine in his arms and put the bottle in her mouth and, finally, she took it.

"Ahh, she just wanted her daddy." I said

"There we go. It's ok baby girl. Daddy's got ya." Niall whispered to Elaine. She was calming down, but still whimpered every once in a while. It only took her a couple minutes to fall asleep. I placed a kiss on her forehead and felt that it was a bit warm. I put my hand on her head, obviously looking concerned.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked

"She's got a fever."

"Really?" Niall asked, walking over to the couch and placing her on his lap. "Yea, you're right. She does." He said, feeling her forehead


"So what do we do?"

"As of right now, let her sleep. Her body needs the rest to fight off whatever it is she's got. We'll see how she's feeling in the morning." I said

"Ok. We should probably head to bed too eh?" Niall asked


"Yea baby?"

"Can we keep her in our room tonight? I wanna get to her quickly if she wakes up."

"Of course baby. She can sleep in the bed with us."

"Ok." That being said, we turned in for the night, taking Elaine with us. She woke up in the middle of the night crying, waking both me and Niall up. Niall flopped on the lights so we could see better. She had a runny nose and she was coughing a bit. I felt her forehead.

"No fever."

"That's good." Niall said

"It looks like she's just got a cold."


"Can you check the cupboards for kids medicine?" I asked

"Yea, hold on." He came back a few minutes later. "We don't have any. Do you want me to run to the store and grab some real quick?"

"Yes please, if you don't mind."

"Of course I don't mind. Just let me get changed and I'll head out."

"Ok." He came back into the room a couple minutes later.

"I'll be right back baby, hang in there." Niall told me before giving me a kiss. It was 2 AM. I was probably up for the day. I wasn't feeling too well either. That being said, I ran into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet, then I got light headed and fainted.

"Addy, baby, wake up." Niall said

"What happened?" I asked

"You fainted. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Is Elaine ok?"

"She's fine. I gave her some medicine and she's sleeping now. Are you sure you're ok?"

Then it hit me. Dizziness, vomiting, I missed a period. I was pregnant. Again.

"Yea, I'm fine. I just gotta check up on something, I'll be right back."

"Ok." He said

I walked to all of the other bathrooms, looking for pregnancy tests. We had absolutely none. Zero. I decided to call Charolette, she's a nurse, so she probably has some

"Hello?" She answered


"Addy, it's 2 in the morning, what do you need?"

"Babe, it's 2 AM, who's calling you?" I heard someone say

"Was that Louis?" I asked

"Yea, sorry. Now what did you need? You're calling at 2 AM, it better be important."

"I, uh, I need p-pregnancy tests."

It got quiet, aside from some shuffling. She was probably walking into another room so Louis didn't hear anything.

"Addy, why do you need pregnancy tests?"

"Because I think I'm pregnant."

"Ok. I'll be over in 5 with a box of tests." She said and then hung up.

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