Chapter Forty-Three - Back In Ireland

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Niall and Elaine fell asleep on the plane, but I stayed awake, afraid to fall asleep. Niall woke up right before the plane landed.

"Did you sleep?" Niall asked me


"Why not?"

"I was afraid to fall asleep and have another flashback." I admitted

"Come here." He said as he pulled me in for a hug and placed a kiss at the top of my head. We stayed in that position for a bit and I could have sworn he was crying. I felt a couple drops hit my head and I heard him sniffle a couple times. The plane landed so we had to get off. I picked up Elaine and grabbed my bag while Niall took his and Elaine's bags. We were greeted at the terminal by Denise, who was going to drive us to the Horan home.

"I know the situation isn't that great, but welcome back to Ireland. We missed you guys." Denise said.

"Thanks." Niall said. I just kept walking. We got to Niall's parents house and knocked on the door. Maura opened the door and gave both Niall and I a hug and gave Elaine a kiss on the head. Niall took Elaine and headed up to the room we were staying in to put the bags away and let Elaine rest. She had fallen asleep on the plane and still wasn't awake yet. Must be nice. Sleeping I mean. I just sat on the couch. I had started to cry when Maura came in and sat next to me.

"How are you darling?" She asked me

"I definitely could be better." I chuckled. I didnt know it, but Niall was standing in the doorframe listening to us talk.

"Niall told me what happened. I am so sorry."

"It's ok. It's in the past. Let's just try and forget it. It's best for everyone."

"Ok. So how's Elaine been doing?"

"She's doing great. She's growing up so fast, it's crazy."

"Yea that's normal. How old is she now?"

"She's about a month and a half now. Adelaide's a year old now isn't she?"

"Yep. She just turned one yesterday."

"Wow. It feels like just yesterday that I was sitting here holding her for the first time."

"Yep. Time flies when it comes to kids growing up. Just ask Niall (she pointed to Niall leaning on the door frame) he watched little Theo grow up." Maura said

"It's true. It goes by fast. Too fast." Niall said as he came and sat be me. I cuddled up next to him. Niall and Maura talked for a bit and my eyes started to get heavy. I dozed off in Niall's arms. No. Wake up Addy. You're gonna have a flashback if you sleep. You need to wake up.


"You won't get away with this Jace." I said.

"YES I WILL!! AND YOURE COMING WITH ME!!" He came in and grabbed my arm. Niall was able to take Elaine from me. Security showed up at my studio to see Jace holding a gun to my head.

"Niall." I cried

"Baby, it'll be ok. It's all gonna be ok."

"I love you Niall."

"I love you too Princess."


Jace stepped away from me and started to walk to the police. Something's not right. He never gave up this easily. What was he going to do. Right before he got to the police, he turned and shot me. I looked down at my stomach that was bleeding, I put my hands on my stomach to try and stop the blood. I looked up to see Niall crying and handing Elaine to one of the police officers. My vision got blurry and I fell to the floor, but Niall caught me and sat down on the floor with me in his arms.

"Addy! Baby talk to me."


"Baby I'm right here. Stay with me. It's gonna be ok. You're gonna be ok."

"I love you Niall." I said and then my vision went black.

End of flashback

I let out a gasp as I shot up from my laying position in Niall's arms. I was now sitting on the couch with Niall and Maura. I wasn't asleep for long. Maybe five minutes. They had known I was sleeping. I could feel Niall stroking my head. He knew it helped me sleep.

"You ok baby?" Niall asked. Both him and Maura looked concerned.

"Yea. I'm fine." I heard Elaine cry, so I went to go get her. I could still hear Niall and Maura talking.

"Is it like that every time she sleeps?" Maura asked

"Yea. I need to get this to stop. I need to figure this out. I can't stand seeing her like this. She doesn't get any sleep anymore."

"It'll be ok. Just stay here as long as you need to. This'll pass. You guys can get through this. You're strong."

"Yea. Wait. I have an idea."

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you later. When Addy's not around. I don't wanna risk her hearing."


What was Niall planning? What was he gonna do? I didn't care right now, to be honest. I just wanted to hold my baby girl and keep her safe.

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