Chapter Thirty-Nine - The Hospital

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Niall's POV

"Addy! No! Stay with me baby. Stay with me." I yelled as Addy's eyes fluttered closed. Elaine was crying and there was blood all over my hands and shirt and I was crying. Liam has shown up to the scene and called the boys and girls and told them to meet us at the hospital and that he'll explain later.

"Sir, we need you to move so we can get her to the hospital."

"I can't leave her. I need to be with her." I cried

"You can come with us on the ambulance sir." He took Addy out of my arms and put her the bed to go to the hospital.

"Liam can you take Elaine and meet me at the hospital?"

"Sure thing mate."

"Thanks. I gotta go."



"She's strong. She'll make it. Don't worry."

"Thanks mate."

I jumped in the back of the ambulance and headed to the hospital. I picked up Addy's hand. It was cold. She was losing blood too fast. Her normally tan skin was pale. He pink lips were pale. Her dark brown eyes were shut, not allowing me to see them. I was still crying. I had her blood all over me. Blood that was inside of my Princess was all over me. Blood that was supposed to stay inside of her. Blood that she needed to stay alive. We got to the hospital and rushed her out of the ambulance and into the hospital. I tried to follow them into the operating room, but I was stopped by a couple of nurses.

"No! Let me go! I need to be with her!"

"Sir, you can't go in there."

I managed to escape from their grip. I started running while I could, but soon felt two strong arms wrap around me. I looked back to see- Paul? I hadn't seen Paul in forever. How did he get here?

"Niall calm down." I heard Paul say

"Calm down?! My girlfriend is in there fighting for her life! She might not make it!" I started to cry again at the thought. I turned around and Paul held me while I cried. We walked over to the waiting room that everyone was in. Everyone was crying, or at least on the verge of tears.

"Liam?" I asked

"Yea mate?"

"What happened to Jace?"

"They arrested him. He'll be in jail for the rest of his life for attempted murder."

"Good. Can I take Elaine?" I don't know why I asked, I didn't need permission to hold my own daughter.

"You should probably get washed up first mate. Here, we brought you a shirt."

"Thanks mate." I headed to the bathroom to clean up. Once I returned, I picked up my baby girl and held her tight. I can't lose her. I can't lose Addy either, but I might. I started to cry again.

"Let's get you home Niall." Paul said

"No. I'm not leaving. Not until Addy can come with me."

"Yea, but what about Elaine? She needs her formula and she needs things back home." We had been at the hospital for 5 hours and still had no news on Addy.

"Ok. Just one more hour ok?" I had stuff in a bag that Addy and I took to work for Elaine, so she was able to eat and I was able to change her diaper and put her to sleep if I needed to.

"Ok Niall."

"Adelaide Smith?" I heard a nurse say

"HERE!" I yelled as I quickly stood up, careful not to drop Elaine.

"The doctor will see you in room 429 now sir."

"Ok thank you." I handed Elaine to Paul and headed to room 429. As I walked in, I saw my princess, laying lifeless in the hospital bed. She still had a heartbeat, but it was slow.

"Are you Niall?" The doctor asked

"Y-Yes s-sir." I answered, stuttering a bit

"I'm afraid to tell you that she only has an hour left to live. I don't think she will make it, but there's always miracles. I'm sorry."

"Thanks doc." I said as I broke down into tears again. The doctor had left the room and I walked up to Addy. My Princess was leaving me.

The Only One I Want - A Niall Horan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now