Chapter Forty - The Longest Hour Ever

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Niall's POV

My Princess was leaving me. She can't go. I need her. Elaine needs her mum. I need my Princess.

"Princess please wake up. Please don't leave me. I need you. Elaine needs you. Don't go. Please." I cried as I hugged her and held her hand.

Addy's POV

I could hear what Niall was saying. I could feel him crying into me. I could feel him hugging me and holding my hand. I heard it when the doctor said I only had an hour left to live. I needed to wake up. I couldn't leave. Elaine needs me. Niall needs me. All my friends need me. My fans need me. But mainly Niall and Elaine. I couldn't leave them. I needed to be strong for them. I tried opening my eyes, no luck. I tried squeezing Niall's hand, still no luck.

"COME ON ADDY! THEY NEED YOU! YOU CANT LEAVE THEM!!" I internally yelled at myself. I tried squeezing Niall's hand one last time. I tried as hard as I could. I felt my hand squeeze Niall's and my head move a bit. SUCCESS!

Niall's POV

She squeezed my hand. She moved her head. She needed to come out of this. I know she was trying. She's probably thinking to herself right now that she couldn't leave me and Elaine. She's probably yelling at herself for not being able to wake up. I know her all too well. She put a small smile on her face, probably from her success at moving her hand and head. She only had 5 minutes left. The doctor came in and stood by her bed, ready to mark her time of death. What a bitch. He had no faith in her. Her heartbeat started to slow down as everyone walked in the room, crying. Including Elaine.

"No no no no. Addy, baby, stay with me, don't go." I cried

Addy's POV

I heard Niall crying. I heard my baby girl crying. I needed to wake up. I wasn't giving up. I gave all the energy I had left to opened my eyes. If this didn't work, then it was over. It was now or never Addy.

"Come on Addy, you can do this."

I screamed internally as I tried to open my eyes. It worked! Oh my god! It worked! I saw the white tiles of the hospital ceiling. I groaned at the pain I was feeling. It hurt. Bad.

Niall's POV

I heard her groan. My head shot up. She was awake! She's alive and she's awake!

"Addy?" I cried. That got everyone's attention and they all started to calm down once they saw that Addy woke up.

"Niall." She said.

"Oh my god. You're alive. You're alive. Don't ever do that again." I said, still crying

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok baby, it's not your fault."


"Yea baby?"

Addy's POV

"What happened to Jace?"

"He's in prison baby. He's in prison for the rest of his life for attempted murder."

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. Everyone besides Niall left the room to give us some time alone. They handed Elaine to me, who soon fell asleep in my arms.

"I was so scared." I said

"What do you mean Princess?"

"I could feel everything. I could hear everything. I was alive in my head, but I couldn't move. I heard the doctor say I only had an hour left to live and I felt you crying into my chest begging me to wake up and-" I started, but couldn't finish because I started crying.  Niall held me in his arms, this always helped.

"Shhh baby. It's ok. It's all over now. It's all better."

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