Chapter Fifty Six - Happy Birthday Niall

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Today's Niall's birthday. Neither of us have the day off, unfortunately. I didn't really know what to get him, so I just got him two more golf clubs, one with June 21, 2025 on it and the other with September 10, 2025 on it. I'll explain the dates when he opens them, but as of right now, we're walking to work. I'll give them to him once we get home. I also made dinner reservations and am having Daisy watch Elaine. She's still cranky because she's teething, so I hope Daisy can handle her. We ordered our coffee and walked to work.

"Hey Niall?"

"Yea baby?"

"Happy birthday."

"Thanks Princess."

"I have something for you when we get home. And Daisy's watching Elaine tonight so we can go to dinner."

"Sounds great baby, you know you didn't have to get me anything though."

"I know, but I wanted to,"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIALL!!" Everyone yelled as we walked in. Oh, did I forget to mention that I planned a party for him at work? I did? Oops, we'll, I did.

"What's this?" Niall asked

"Surprise! It's a party!" I said

"Did you do this?" He asked me

"Yup." I said, popping the p

"Thank you Princess." We set Elaine down and she immediately ran for all the sweets. I ran after her so that I could get her before she got to all the sweets. Success! I scooped her up right as she was about to pull the table cloth and make all the sweets fall off the table.

"Mummy, want food." Elaine said

"I have food for you, but you can't have sweets yet, ok?" I said

"Ok mummy." She pouted

"Ok, fine, I'll give you sweets. But only after you eat something else, ok?" I couldn't resist that face. It was too cute.

"Yay!" Elaine said

"What's yay?" Niall asked as he walked up to us, making Elaine laugh by making faces at her

"I told her she could have sweets after she ate some baby food." I said

"Ahh I see."

"Adelaide." My manager said

"Right here!" I said

"Adelaide, someone needs to use your studio today, we're gonna have to have you use your old studio." Shit. No. Management moved me to a different studio after the whole Jace incident since they didn't want me to have flashbacks while working. I highly doubt they have cleaned the carpet out yet. They're really bad about cleaning the carpets. I looked at Niall with a concerned look.

"I'm sorry Princess. Do you want me to walk over there with you?" Niall asked

"Yes please."

We walked over to my old studio. We weren't even inside the studio yet and I was starting to have flashbacks. I put the key inside the keyhole and turned the key, unlocking the door. I handed Elaine to Niall and opened the door. I was hesitant to flip the lights on, but after a couple moments, I did. There was still blood all over the floor, they hadn't cleaned the carpets yet. My mind filled with flashbacks of when I was shot and the look on Niall's face and how hard it was to fight and keep myself living. I started to cry and Niall came up behind me and hugged me. Niall yelled for my manager. He was pretty pissed off. They could have at least cleaned the carpets.

"You didn't fucking clean the carpets! Now my wife has to work in there, seeing her own blood on the floor! Do you know how many flashbacks she's gonna have? She's not even gonna get any work done!" Niall yelled

"Baby, calm down. It's fine." I said, sniffling

"No, baby, it's not fine. They could have at least cleaned the carpets!" He yelled

"Adelaide, how about you take the day off? Niall, I'll talk to your manager as well so he can send you both home together. I'm sorry about this Adelaide, I really thought they cleaned the carpets." My manager said as he walked away. He came back a couple moments later and said that Niall had the ok to leave. We headed home and calmed down a bit. I decided to get up off the couch and get Niall's gift.

"Where ya goin'?" Niall asked

"To go get your gift." I said with a smile

I walked back in the room with the golf clubs and handed them to him.

"Ahh more golf clubs. What have they got on em this time?" He asked

"Read them."

"June 21, 2025?"

"The day we found out I was pregnant again."

"Ohhh. Ok. September 10, 2025?"

"The day Elaine said she loves the baby."

"Awww. Baby. I love them. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Happy birthday baby."

"Where's Elaine?" Niall asked

"I dunno. Let's go find her."

We walked into the kitchen and found Elaine. Oh. My. God. She figured how to get into the freezer. She got into the ice cream. There was ice cream all over. It was on the walls and cupboards and on the floor and all over Elaine. God, this kid can do anything and she's only a year old.

"Holy shit." Niall and I said at the same time.

"Elaine." I said. "Did you do this?" I walked up to her

"No mummy."

"Hey, don't lie to mummy." Niall said

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up and then it's off to bed for you." I said

"No mummy. No bed."

"Maybe you shouldn't have gotten into the ice cream then baby."

"I sowwy mummy."

"It's ok baby, but you still need to go to bed."

"Ok mummy." She pouted. She was such an obedient child, most of the time. After we got Elaine down, Daisy came over and Niall and I went to dinner and turned in for the night when we got home.

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