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Y/n's POV

"Goodbye, Y/n! Have a great weekend!" My colleagues bid me farewell as they took their leave from the now quiet office. I waved at them as I frantically packed up my stuff, looking forward to Friday night with my parents. As soon as I shoved my staff card into my bag, I grabbed my phone and finally left the office. I was in the carpark, practically skipping towards my car with a light heart, knowing the weekends were near. However, everything came crumbling down with a single phone call that I got the moment I entered my car.

"Are you Mr. and Mrs. Choi's daughter? We're calling from the hospital to inform you that your parents had unfortunately met with a car accident and have just been sent to the hospital."

I dropped my phone in shock, my mind in a blur as my heart pounded loudly against my chest. What?! Immediately, I stepped on the car's pedal, speeding up so quick I could hear screeches coming from the heating wheels of my car. My stomach twisted with every turn I took, almost feeling nauseous at how fast I was going but more than that I felt sicker from being worried and not from the ride. Finally spotting the tall building, I took one last turn into the carpark before locking my car and bolting towards the counter. "I'm Choi Y/n, you just called me regarding my parents. Where are they?!" I asked, trying to act as composed as I can. Once the nurse gave me directions, I thanked her and made my way towards the surgery unit.

Seeing the brightly red light above the doors, I plopped myself down on the chairs and buried my face into my hands. Please be okay, mom and dad. I was praying non-stop internally, unsure of how much time had passed. "Miss Choi?" A voice broke the deafening silence as the doctor stepped out with a solemn expression.

"Your parents are still alive." He announced once he had gotten my attention. "Oh thank god, thank you so much." I let out in relief for it to go to waste. "But they are still in a very critical condition, and I'm not sure if they can live pass this. We will try our best, however do prepare yourself." The doctor finished with a pat on my shoulder. With his words, I plopped onto the same chair as before and I didn't even know if I was feeling better.

After some time, I had managed to recompose myself. With heavy steps, I made my way to the private ward where my parents were and my heart broke at the sight; tubes and bandages around them. Why is this happening...the both of you are all I have. I was beyond devasted, tears staining my cheeks as I took a seat between their beds. I let out a long sigh, afraid of what was to come, the future seemed bleak for me with the condition my parents were in. Resting my head on my mom's bed, I faded into a short nap as I was tired out from crying.

"Miss? Hello, I'm sorry but visiting hours are over and I have to ask you to leave." A soft voice woke me up, a hand softly shaking me by my shoulder. I jolted up, apologizing as I stood up and prepared to head home after taking one last glance at my parents. "Bye, mom and dad. I'll come by again tomorrow." I spoke even though I'm not sure if they could hear me. I trudged towards my car, mind filled with various thoughts; good and bad. Starting the car, I tried my best to not let my tears blur my vision as I focused on the road towards home, hoping for better days to come.

Three days later

Waking up, I was barely able to open my eyes due to how tired and swollen they were from the burst of tears from time to time. Three days went past just like this and my parents were still not showing any signs of improvements. I had requested for a long break from my job, which was thankfully approved as I was sure I wouldn't be able to focus on anything else. I was sipping on my morning coffee absentmindedly until a knock on the door caused me to jump at the sudden sound. Tidying my clothes, I quickly moved towards the door.

"Mr. Yong? What brings you here?" I asked the middle-aged man, who was our family lawyer. "Y/n, I've heard about your parents and I'm so sorry about this, but I brought something with me. They've previously came to me to pen a will just in case something happens, and I would like you to take a look at it." His soft tone had for some reason pricked me as I faced him. "They are still alive, I don't need it." I answered, sounder angrier than I was supposed to.

"I know, Y/n but you need to calm down. Like I said, there is something in the will you need to see." Mr. Yong's voice remained calm, his hand stretching out to hand me a brown paper file. I accepted them with shaky hands, pulling out a set of white papers decorated with black ink that I began to read. Indeed, something in the will caught my attention. "Mr. Yong? What does this mean? What do you mean half the assets goes to Mr. Choi Jongho, son of Mr. and Mrs. Choi?" I questioned, looking at the professional with large eyes.

"Mr. Choi Jongho is your brother, Y/n-ah."

hello there! thedouble_a here, welcome to my second book.

new book's first chapter is up :) enjoy!

~thedouble_a (10/6/2020)

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