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Y/n's POV

"Brother? My brother?!" I exclaimed in disbelief. "21 years of my life and no one ever told me that I have a brother? Does no one see the importance of this?" I continued to rant with mixed feelings; upset that I was kept in the dark and happy that I have another family member. Mr. Yong sighed, "Your parents were afraid of how you would react and you were barely a year old when Jongho was adopted."

It took awhile for the new piece of information to sink in, still unable to believe the fact that I actually had a sibling. For the past two decades I was envious of those who had siblings, growing up as a single child wasn't all that great as I felt lonely from time to time. I was envious about how others had someone to play with, to confide in and even to fight with. I had felt alone, even though my parents doted on me so much but they were busy with work since I was young, so busy I don't even get to see them for more than three hours a day.

Being the founders of the Choi Enterprise, it was only normal that they had meetings all day long whether or not in Korea or overseas and piles of documents to go through. One of the biggest law firms in Korea now, my parents started Choi Enterprise from scratch when they both had just graduated and became lawyers and it definitely wasn't an easy journey for them. "Y/n? You have a task now." The man spoke once again, breaking my chain of thoughts. "You need to find Jongho."

I had been sitting in the living room ever since Mr. Yong had left. Staring at the papers in front of me, I felt lost. How am I going to find him when I don't even know how he looks like? It almost felt like an impossible task. Almost because something on the television had attracted my attention.

It was a performance by a group named Ateez and a certain member in it had just finished introducing himself, "Hello, I'm Choi Jongho."  Choi Jongho? Could he be? I studied his features closely; button nose that looked like dad's and round eyes just like mom's. "Bingo." I whispered to myself as the corner of my lips lifted slightly at the sight of the cute boy.

Once I was done fixing myself and mapping out the contacts and stuff I needed, I left for the hospital as usual. The doctor happened to have just completed his rounds and had given me a small update on their condition.

I had spent the next few hours in my parents' ward looking for whatever information I could about the Choi Jongho I had just heard about and finally after much effort, and also money, I obtained the information about his parents whom I decided to pay a visit to.

Not gonna lie but I was nervous. I stood in front of the door with a fruit basket in hand, before finally having the courage to ring the bell. A lady with kind features opened the door, greeting me with a smile. "Hi young lady, how can I help you?" She asked, her voice was as kind as her face. "Erm hello, are you Mrs. Choi?" I asked carefully to which the lady nodded. "I am Choi Y/n, daughter of Choi Song Hye and Choi Rin." I introduced myself with a slight bow, watching as her eyes widened. "Oh! Come on in." She invited as she help the door further apart to allow me in.

Stepping in, I took in the elegant interior of the peaceful house before taking a seat on the sofa. "I'm Choi Ji Oh, just call me Auntie Ji Oh." Mrs. Choi said as she took a seat next to me. "I'm sorry about the abrupt visit Auntie Ji Oh but I have something important to ask you." I spoke softly while fiddling with my fingers, brain working hard to form my question. "It's about Jongho isn't it?" Her question made me snap my head up to face her, giving her a small nod.

"You see, my husband and I are actually long-time friends with your parents and we adopted Jongho from them as they weren't financially able to bring up both of you at that time. As time went by, we lost contact for awhile as we had moved overseas for a period of time. How are they doing?" Auntie Ji Oh asked, my expression turning sad as I explained about everything.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear that. We'll pay them a visit soon, you take care of yourself okay." Auntie Ji Oh gave me one last hug as we left her house, heading towards our next destination; KQ Entertainment. She had kindly offered to come with me to look for Jongho to which I accepted thankfully.

I'm coming to meet you Jongho-ah. I thought to myself I stopped the car along the street, looking up at the building with huge fonts stating the company name. I followed behind Auntie Ji Oh like a lost child in an unfamiliar place, curious eyes scanning the area and the people around. "He should be here, are you ready to meet him?" The elder lady checked with me for the last time while I confirmed with a nod. With a smile, she knocked on the door and entered the noisy room which was occupied by eight males.

"Jongho dear." Auntie Ji Oh called for a son who immediately stood up and gave his mother a warm hug. "Hi, Auntie Ji Oh! Who's this?" A tall male with dark hair asked, his cheeks pushing upwards due to his wide smile. "Hello, I'm Choi Y/n. Nice to meet all of you." Introducing myself to them made me nervous as they were all staring at me with huge eyes, I couldn't help but take a step back. "Hey, don't be shy. We don't bite. Anyways, I'm Yunho!" The same male greeted happily, his smile growing wider than before.

After the boys were done with their introductions, Auntie Ji Oh and Jongho left for a private chat that was probably about me and that was how I ended up alone with the seven males. "Take a seat, Y/n. Also, could you fill us in on what's going on? Why did Auntie Ji Oh and Jongho leave and what's your relationship with her?" Yunho asked as we all took a seat, him and one whom I remember as San were beside me and the others on the floor. "I erm, I'm actually Jongho's biological sister." I muttered, playing with my fingers again, a habit I had since young whenever I got nervous.

"What?!" The seven voices almost sounded like one as they exclaimed loudly and so I had to explain again to them. Just as I finished, shouting was heard from outside, the manly voice's volume making me flinch slightly. "It's okay, Y/n-ah." Yunho comforted softly, rubbing my back gently. The door was swung open hard, causing a loud thud as Jongho stomped in and stopped in front of me, his previously soft facial feature tightly formed into a frown.

"Get out."

Hi! Second chapter up :)

~thedouble_a (10/6/2020)

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