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Y/n's POV

"Hey, a pretty lady like you shouldn't be crying all alone by the river."

A gentle voice broke the silence, tearing my sight from the calm waters. "Yunho?" My voice came out cracked. "Come here, shortie." He said with a sad smile, arms stretched wide open. "Yunho-ah, my d-dad, h-he." I couldn't bare to even complete my sentence as I crashed into his embrace which tightened the moment I collided into him.

"Shhh, I know. That's why I'm here for you." His voice warmed me up as my tears soaked his shirt. Yunho kept murmuring consolations as he rubbed my back, not bothered by the fact that his shirt was wet or that the cold wind was continuously hitting us, well him since he was shielding me from the wind.

It took me awhile to finally calm down, tears had stopped running as streaks of dried tears stained my cheeks. "Better now?" Yunho asked, pulling apart slightly as his huge hands cupped my cheeks. "Yeah, thanks Yunho." I nodded, sniffing. "Good. I was so worried." He breathed out, wrapping his arms around me again.

"How'd you find me?" I asked him, tilting my head up to look at him. "Jongho called me. He's worried for you too." He informed as his warm brown eyes gazed down at me.  "Sorry..." I trailed off, feeling kinda bad that I had made them worried. We stayed by the river a little longer, enjoying the peacefulness and each other's presence.

"Shall we go back now? Jongho's probably still waiting for us." He spoke, getting ready to stand as he held his hand to me. Nodding, I rested my hand in his larger one and we made our way back to the hospital slowly.

"Oh and Y/n? Please don't say my name like you did just now again, my heart broke." He whispered as his grip on my hand tightened, swinging our entwined hands back and forth. Even in this situation, he's still making my heart flutter.

Soon, we were back at the hospital, spotting Jongho sitting spaced out outside the ward. "Jongho-ah. Noona is sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone." I ran to him, hugging his neck. "I'm...fine. I was more worried about you. You better now?" Jongho muttered into my shoulder. "Mhmm, thanks for sending Yunho to get me too." Yunho took it as his cue and joined our hug, engulfing both of us with his long arms.

That night was a long one, it has been awhile since I've had such difficulty sleeping. I flipped and tossed on my bed, tired but unable to fall asleep. Sitting up, I grabbed my phone and scrolled through the memories I had with my dad, tears stinging my tired eyes again. Just then, a call came in.

"Yunho? Why are you still awake? It's almost 3am." I asked him, receiving a chuckle in return. "Because I know you are too and I'm here to help you sleep." Yunho's voice was quiet but still cheerful. "How?" I smiled slightly, his bright attitude was contagious. "Talk and bore you till you sleep?" He laughed, and that was how we stayed up for another hour.

"Okay, we should really sleep now. Should I sing you a song?" Yunho proposed. "Yes, please." I answered, lying back into the comfort of my pillow. "Okay, here goes."

*cues ATEEZ - Mist hehe*
So please
Tell me it's alright
In this anxious mist
It's all in a moment
So please
If this is my way
Hold my hand
So I don't wander for long

Slowly but surely, my heavy lids closed as I drifted off to sleep and before I was completely knocked out, I heard a soft "Good night, shortie. I love you." Thank you, Yunho-ah. Good night to you too. I thought to myself as a small smile spread on my face, falling asleep soon after.

Heyyyy im back! Short chapter again but I promise to update again ltr or tmr!
Enjoy :)
~thedouble_a (3/10/20)

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