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Seonghwa's POV

"Jongho-ah...I think I fell for your noona."

I confessed to the younger boy beside me, my voice shaky as Jongho looked at me with round eyes, his eyes larger than usual. "You think? Hyung, you were obvious as hell. What do you mean by you think?!" He whisper-screamed as he gave me a slap on the shoulder, shifting his body to face me. "I was?" I asked confused, not taking note of how I had acted around her.

"Hyung, you're blushing. You blush every time around her and I'm sure you don't even realise it. Also, you keep your eyes on her whenever she's around. And just now at the cafe? For sure you were hoping that she's really your 'dear'." The smart maknae listed calmly but his arms were flying as he spoke. His observations hit me as I realised how true his words were; I really am that obvious.

"Sooooo, when did it start?" Jongho asked with a teasing smirk, resting his arm around my shoulder. "Erm, I don't actually know. It just happened? Maybe it's thanks to you, always making her cry and I felt like i had to protect her from the horrible younger brother." I answered with a joking glare at the boy who was now pouting and playing with his fingers, thankfully his gaze was focused on his fingers as I felt my ears burn. "Ahh, I already apologised about that." Jongho whined, looking up but still pouting.

He continued his interrogation for awhile until he paused suddenly, his eyes widening again. "What is it? Why do you look like you've just seen a ghost?" I asked, panicking slightly. "Hyung, I kinda just realised something." Jongho spoke in a hushed voice. "I'm quite sure Yunho hyung likes Y/n noona too...He was quiet ever since what happened at the cafe, his expression looked rather sour too." His voice trailed off as he had a sudden realisation and so did I. I should have known... Yunho's different around her; his actions, his tone, his gaze even. "You're right. I think he does." I sighed but agreed. "What should I do, Jongho-ah?" I asked him as I laid down on the bed.

"I don't know too, but if you are serious about her then go for it. You and Yunho hyung both, will have to try."

Yunho's POV

I was in the bathroom taking a shower when my thoughts drifted off...to the moment Y/n hugged me at the hospital and then to the moment Seonghwa hyung held her hand at the cafe. Not gonna lie but I felt kinda proud when Y/n came straight to me, hugging me even. My heart had stopped for a couple of seconds before it started accelerating when my mind registered her actions, I couldn't help but smile as I returned her hug. Oh how I wish I could hold her forever...

But Seonghwa hyung...

I was jealous for sure when I saw his hand over Y/n's even though I knew it was all for show, but were his feelings fake too? Definitely not, Seonghwa hyung was too obvious. I had caught a glance of his face when Y/n wrapped her arms around me; disappointment and jealousy were definitely present in him at that moment. What if Y/n likes him better? Hyung is handsome, kind, good at cooking and cleaning, gentle, and the list goes on.

"Yah! Jung Yunho! You swimming in the bathroom or something?! I need to bath too ya'know!" A loud voice accompanied by knocks on the door broke my train of thoughts as I hurried to finish up. "Sorry." I apologised to an impatient Wooyoung who stood outside with a towel hung on his shoulder and wearing a...shower cap? He narrowed his eyes at me, entering the bathroom while mumbling something along the line of "curse all the tall people with longer limbs" and "using more water and time to shower because they have more surfaces to wash". I chuckled at the now slammed shut door as Wooyoung's personal concert started in the toilet.

"You can do it, hyung!" I heard Jongho's voice as I turned around just in time to catch sight of him being shoved out from Seonghwa hyung's room. "Oh, hi hyung." He greeted as if nothing had happened, holding a hand up in the process. "What were you doing in hyung's room?" I asked, the maknae tensing slightly before giving a huge smile. "Oh erm, I was teaching Seonghwa hyung how to play this new game I found and you know how bad he can be at it." He laughed and disappeared into his room quickly.

Something's not right, Seonghwa hyung nags at the kids for gaming why would he join? Sighing, I decided not to think too much about it as I continued to dry my hair. Sitting down on my bed, I picked up my phone and eventually got bored scrolling through random stuff, until I received a message from...Y/n? A smile tugged on my lips unintentionally as I saw her name, only for it to grow as I read the contents of her message.

Hi, Yunho-ah! Just wanted to ask if you and the others wanted to hang out the day after tomorrow? I thought that it would be nice for me to treat you guys to some food as thanks for always accompanying Jongho and I :)

Without hesitation, I agreed with an excited heart. Can't wait to see her again, hanging out sounds even better. The smile on my face never left as I went around asking if the guys were alright with the plan, getting a bunch of 'yes' in return. Lastly, I knocked on Seonghwa hyung's door, entering when I heard a soft 'come in'. "Hyung, Y/n asked if we'd like to hang out the day after tomorrow. You on for it?" I asked, unknowingly tensing up a little as the older male's face instantly lit up at the mention of Y/n. "Of course I am."

Hey there! Another chapter is up :)

The drama is finally starting hehe wat wud happen? (Tbh idek myself)

Do continue to read on! I'll try my best to update in the midst of drowning in assignments

~thedouble_a (16/8/20)

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