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Y/n's POV

It felt as if half the burden has been lifted off my shoulders once I spoke to Seonghwa truthfully about my feelings. Half because the other half involves me telling Yunho and I was a nervous wreck just thinking about it. It was the first time I felt this nervous to ever talk to him, considering how he has always made me feel safe and comfortable.

"What are you thinking about so intently? Yunho?" Seonghwa asked as he sent a teasing smirk in my direction while driving me home. "Yeah, I'm just nervous about how he will react." I pouted, fiddling with my fingers nervously.

"It will be fine, I can assure you he is head over heels for you." He chuckled, making me blush a little. Seonghwa told me episodes he had with Yunho, helping me know the taller male better from another perspective and soon we arrived at my apartment.

"Thanks for today, Y/n-ah. I wish you all the best and I will still always be here for you, okay kiddo?" He said before he drove off as I walked into my home to see my younger brother standing there with his arms crossed and a teasing smirk plastered on his face.

"Soooo, have you listened to Master Choi Jongho's advice and finally did something about that love triangle of yours?" He spoke, stroking his invisible beard. "You're lucky you're cute and my younger brother but yes I did." I glared at him jokingly, both of us plopping down onto the sofa as I told him about my day and my decision.

"Good job, sis. I'm proud of you and good luck to you. Now get your ass up and bath, you're covered with germs." He gave me a disgusted look and shooed me away. "I repeat, you're lucky you're cute and my younger brother." I flicked his forehead and headed to take a shower. Grabbing my phone the moment I was out, I checked my messages only to see that Yunho has left my message on seen. That's weird, he never does this. My brows furrowed as I texted him again.

Are you free to meet me tomorrow?

Yunho? Are you okay?

I waited for his reply, staring at my phone as my heavy lids threatened to close as every second goes by. He will reply me soon. I repeated in my brain as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Morning came and as per normal, I was woken up by my alarm as I jumped up almost immediately to grab my phone. Still no reply... I was actually starting to worry about the bright and responsive boy, pulling myself away from my bed and to the bathroom to wash up.

"Jongho! You're meeting the guys later, right?" I barged into his room, shaking him awake. "Hmm ah yesh I am mweeting zen later, whatchup?" He replied me groggily, I would have laughed at him if not because of a certain giant.

"Can I come along?" I asked, poking at him this time. "Ye, whatever." He mumbled into his pillow, turning away from me. "Thanks! See you later then." I stood up and was on my way back to my room but ran back to my brother's room instead.

"Yo kid, you have an appointment today. Get your sleepy ass up now before you're late." I shouted at him as I peeped into his room, pushing my head in through a small gap. This time I burst into laughter as he sat up immediately, rolling off the bed and almost tripping over his blanket as he rushed to his bathroom.

It was already 4pm when Jongho called to say he was done with his appointment and is going to meet his hyungs. Hearing that, I quickly packed my stuff and left the office to pick him up. "Hey, bro." I greeted as he practically melted into the passenger seat. "Hey, sis." He copied, shifting himself into a more comfortable position.

"I didn't get to ask you this morning but why are you following me to meet them?" Jongho asked, quirking an eyebrow. "Its Yunho, he hasn't replied me since last night and its eating me alive. He has never done this before and I'm I don't know. Scared? Worried?" I blurted out, focusing on the road. "Wow, noona calm down. You're not even a couple and you're already like that? You in this shit deep." He laughed, receiving a slap on the thigh from me.

"Hello, noona came with me by the way." Jongho announced the moment we entered their practice room. A chorus of "Hi, Y/n"s were heard except for one familiar voice, making me fix my eyes on him as all he gave me was a small nod in acknowledgment and that was how he acted through the small chats I had with them.

"I'm going to the washroom." He mumbled, informing no one in particular as everyone just continued messing around. "Me too." I said, standing up after Yunho had left the room as I rushed to catch up with him.

"Jeong Yunho!" I called, catching him before he turned into the corner as he froze in his steps. "What?" He muttered, avoiding my eyes as he stared at the ground.

"You're coming with me." I said as I pulled him into the nearest available room. "Why have you been ignoring me?" I got straight to the point, not giving him time to even question me. "I haven't..." He trailed off, still avoiding eye contact with me.

"Don't lie! You didn't reply my message, you didn't say hi to me and you didn't even talk to me. What happened, Yunho-ah?" My voice cracked slightly, finally catching his attention. "Why are you even bothered with me? I thought you're here for Seonghwa hyung?" He mumbled but I heard him clearly, stunned by his words as I kept quiet.

"You what?" I spoke after a wave of awkward silence, bursting into laughter. "Y/n? Why are you laughing?" Yunho asked, baffled. "You thought I was here for Seonghwa oppa? Why?" I asked, still laughing a little at his wide eyes. "Aren't you guys dating?" He finally said, averting my eyes again. "No we're not. Why would you say that?" Now, it was his turn to be confused.

"I kinda saw you and hyung yesterday at Han River. You guys were erm hugging and you were smiling, I thought you accepted him." He mumbled pouting, slightly embarrassed.

"No, silly. I didn't accept him, I did the opposite...for you." I wrapped my arms around his neck as he was seated on the table. "Really? You did?" His eyes were wide and glistening with happiness as he pulled away slightly, not enough to break the hug.

"Yes I did, you giant baby. I chose you. That was why I wanted to know if you could meet me today because I was planning to tell you that face to face but you didn't reply me and I got worried so I rushed down here with Jong-" I was blabbering away and didn't even notice that he had been grinning like an idiot, closing the gap between us to shut me up with his lips as my eyes widened in surprise, feeling my insides warm and flip.

"Thank you, Y/n-ah. You have no idea how happy I am to hear that, heck words can't even describe what I feel now. I'm so glad you're finally mine." Yunho beamed, resting his forehead on mine and eyes turning into cute crescents.

"Excuse you, I'm not yours yet." I teased, pushing his forehead away. "Huh?" His expression turned into a confused one yet again, making me laugh. "Ask me, you idiot."

"Choi Y/n, are you willing to be my, Jeong Yunho's, girlfriend?"

"Yes, Choi Y/n is willing to be Jeong Yunho's girlfriend." I answered, mirroring his huge grin as I felt him pull me closer by the waist and our lips met again. "I love you." I confessed shyly when we pulled apart slightly. "I love you even more, my little shortie." He replied as he laid his soft lips on mine again.

Jeongg Yunho you really never fail to make my heart flutter.


hehe and this concludes NOONA <3

hope all of you enjoyed this book! I know its not great but I will try to do better for my future books :)

don't forget to vote and comment too! I'll see you guys soon w a new book

Thank you to everyone here ily guys <3

~thedouble_a (7/10/20)

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