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Y/n's POV

Morning soon came, I woke up with a smile when I remembered what happened last night. Call me easy but I was so happy that Jongho was actually talking to me, even though he still has not been addressing me as noona. I will wait patiently, he will accept me soon. I could finally go to sleep peacefully with the weight lifted off my shoulders, and I did, I haven't had a good sleep since my parents had gotten into an accident.

I made my way towards the common space, spotting Mingi, Jongho and Yunho already seated on the couch. "Good morning!" I greeted the boys who still looked groggy, receiving a bright smile from the two same age friends and a small smile from the younger.

Satisfied with their responses, I began preparing a simple breakfast for the boys; toast. "You look happy, what happened last night with the kid?" The tall boy asked as he stood next to me, leaning against the kitchen counter with his cute smile.

Seeing him reminded me of his confession and I couldn't help but blush, however I tried my best to push those feelings aside as I immediately told Yunho everything. "Yunho! He talked to me! We talked! He actually talked to me nicely yesterday, although he still hasn't called me noona...but hey, it was improvement!" I let out, hugging him as I jumped up and down in excitement.

"That's great! I'm proud of you and that kid finally got his shit together. I told you he will accept you one day, and I know it will be soon." Yunho said as he patted my head with one hand while the other wrapped around me gently. "Y/n! Are you guys done? I'm hungry!" Mingi shouted from the common space, causing me to pull away from Yunho before continuing with the toast preparation.

Slowly, one by one they gathered and sat themselves around the dining table. "What should we do today?" Wooyoung asked as he stuffed the toast into his mouth, earning a glare from Seonghwa for talking with food in his mouth. "We're going back to Seoul today dumbass, did you forget?" Yeosang snickered at his friend's baffled expression as Wooyoung processed Yeosang's words.

"Awww, why does time pass so fast when we're having fun?" The boy was now sulking, but still stuffing bacon into his mouth. "Stop being a baby, we can still meet up and have fun when we're back. It's not like this is our only chance." Yeosang answered back once again making Wooyoung pout, and that was how the whole breakfast went; Wooyoung sulking and pouting.

I was back in my room packing my stuff when a knock was heard from the door, followed by a head popping in. "Y/n-ah, do you need help?" His soft voice called out, accompanied by a gentle smile. "I'm almost done! Thanks for asking, Seonghwa oppa." I answered as he took a seat on my bed, swinging his legs with a slight pout as he watched me finish up. Taking a glance at his kid-like action made me laugh to myself, catching his attention as I tried to look away from him.

"Why are you laughing? Are you laughing at me?!" He jokingly crossed his arms at me with a fake frown, which made me laugh even more. "N-no. I just thought you looked cute but now you just look like angry bird." I blurted out, unable to control my laughter anymore.

"You did not just call me an angry bird! Come here, kiddo." He gasped as he stomped towards me while I tried to escape but failed terribly as the room was small.

"You little kiddo, no way you're escaping from me. Now you are dead." Seonghwa huffed as he caught me by my waist and throwing me onto the bed before proceeding to poke my cheeks and stomach, causing me to break into laughter.

"Help! Help! Bullying happening!" I screamed jokingly but it seemed to have caught the attention of others as I heard several footsteps stomping towards my room. "What? Who? Where?" Their loud voices chorused as my door was flung open.

"Erm what is going on?" Mingi asked as he, Hongjoong and Yunho stood frozen in the doorway. That was when I realized how misunderstanding the position we were in was; Seonghwa pinning me down...on a bed. "Seonghwa oppa is bullying me...? Help?" I muttered as I pushed him off me.

"Ah, hyung. How could you do that to Y/n?" Mingi faked pouted before rushing to Seonghwa and 'punished' him for me, Hongjoong standing there awkwardly while Yunho stomped away. Oh shit Yunho. I thought as I immediately ran off after him.

"Yunho! Yunho, wait!" I called as I ran after him into his room, managing to slip in before he could slam the door shut. "Yunho! Please! At least let me explain." I begged as I stood awkwardly in front of him as he sat on his bed with a heavy sigh, avoiding eye contact with me. "'s not what it seemed like. We didn't do anything I promise. I-"

"Y/n, it's fine. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just stomped away like that. I'm not angry. I just couldn't stand it, stand seeing you with someone else...especially hyung." He mumbled the last part, I decided to ignore it although I did hear it as I was relieved to hear that he wasn't angry. "You're not angry? Thank god." I breathed out in relief.

"Sorry, Y/n. I was erm...just yeah." He stuttered, which I thought was cute. "Jealous?" I teased, with a small smile as I sat next to him. "Yes, I am jealous." He sighed. "H-huh?" Now it was my turn to be flustered as I didn't expect him to admit so readily.

"You tongue tied now?" A smirk surfaced on his face as he finally turned to me, tilting his head cutely. "No? My tongue is fine." I tried to get out of the situation, failing horribly and it made us both burst into laughter.

"So, we're alright?" I asked him. "Were we not?" He retorted playfully, staring into my eyes with his soft ones before his expression turned serious again. "Please try not to get so close to a guy again? My heart can't take it." He whispered, pulling me into his embrace which I accepted. "Thank you for giving me space and time to think about it, Yunho-ah." I smiled up at him, returning his hug.

hello! hope this chapter's good :)

rmb to vote and comment! let me know how you feel about this book ^^

stay healthy y'all

~thedouble_a (19/7/20)

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