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Y/n's POV

"MOM! I've missed you so much." My voice was louder than it was meant to be but I didn't care as I gave my mom, who was now sitting up, a tight hug. "So did I, my dear." She still sounded weak but nothing about her gentle tone changed.

We broke the hug when someone behind had cleared his throat, probably Wooyoung as he was receiving glares from the other three. "Who are these handsome young men?" My mom asked with a teasing smirk towards me, as I put my hands up defensively.

They started introducing themselves and Jongho was the last to go. "Hello, I am Choi Jongho." He greeted politely, eyes darting around nervously. "You must be...?" Mom's voice cracked slightly as she reached towards him, beckoning for him to come closer.

Jongho nodded, stepping forward and taking my place on her bed as I stood up. "My baby...I am so sorry for all these years, I failed as your mom. I am so sorry." Tears fell from both my mom's and brother's eyes as they had their first meeting. "It's"

I left them to themselves, giving them the privacy and time they needed as I joined the other boys outside the room. "He called her mom..." I muttered the moment I saw them, rushing straight into the arms of a particular someone amongst the group with tears still running down my cheeks. The three boys chuckled at my reaction but nonetheless comforted me with friendly gestures.

"Congrats, Y/n. Everything seems to be going well and hopefully all will be well soon! Let us know if the apple breaking kid messes up again, we'll come after him for you." Wooyoung chirped happily, but his eyes narrowed playfully as he lifted his fist up to reiterate his last statement, his actions making us laugh.

"He's right, Y/n-ah. It will be fine and we will keep Jongho on his toes." Seonghwa smiled stiffly, his expression unreadable. "We will all be here for you, Y/n." Yunho smiled sweetly, looking down at me who still had my arms around him and vice versa. It took me a moment to snap out of it as I let go of him, returning all of their smiles.

3rd Person's POV

The day passed quickly, our hospital trip ended with a pouting Jongho who came out of the room while wiping his tears before we bid farewell to his mother. We ended up in a cozy café for dessert to end the day, plopping down on the seats as we settled down.

Soon, a waitress came over with the menu and waited to take our orders. The waitress seemed to be around our age, if not slightly younger, and Y/n noticed how she seemed to study the three boys, specifically Seonghwa.

Y/n snickered quietly to herself, catching the attention of her brother who was beside her. "Whatcha laughing at?" He whispered as he leant in, slightly covering their faces with the menu as she told him about her observation.

"You jealous?" He asked with a small smirk as his sister gave him a look in return, which he laughed away but continued to observe the female; how her eyes always lingered on Seonghwa and how she would smile at him.

"Y/n, dear. What would you like to eat? Your favorite chocolate cake?" Seonghwa suddenly asked, grabbing the girl's hand from across the table as he sat opposite her. His sudden choice of words making Y/n freeze, eyes widening slowly until she notice how he glanced at the waitress, with a pained smile, who now was standing even nearer to him.

"Yes, of course. Thank you remembering...darling." Y/n answered, knowing what he was trying to do while trying to keep her laughter in. Thankfully, she seemed to believe it as she took our orders with a slight frown.

A wave of silence washed over us as the female walked away, only till Jongho broke it with his loud laughter. "Oh god, that was funny. She actually believed you guys." He snorted, making us join him in laughing, not noticing Yunho who seemed uncomfortable.

Resuming our chats, we waited patiently for the food to be served. The same waitress introduced the food with a bored tone, this time not even bothering to look at anyone of us and history repeated; we started laughing the moment she walked away.

"Yo, hyung. You should just get a girlfriend for real soon, you're not getting younger." Jongho commented as he remembered Seonghwa's distraught expression from before. "I will try." The older male mumbled, taking glances at the only female of the group which wasn't noticed by the siblings but it didn't go unnoticed by the tensed male who kept quiet throughout.

Seonghwa's POV

We were back in our dorms after sending Y/n home and I was in my room, ruffling my hair dry after taking a shower. A smile surfaced as I thought back to what had happened at the café. She's so cute... The moment my hand met Y/n's, I felt butterflies in my stomach and I could feel my cheeks burning and the moment she returned the smile as she played along made my heart pound even faster.

Even now I could still feel the warmth of her hand as the butterflies returned, until my memory reminded me of how she went to Yunho when she exited her mother's ward. I felt my chest tightening at the sight as the two shared a hug; how she had her face in his chest as he smiled fondly at her. I knew of Yunho's feelings for her but I just couldn't help myself, falling deeper for her every time.

"SEONGHWA HYUNG!" Jongho shouted at me as he waved his hands in front of my face, scaring me out of my thoughts. "What were you thinking of so intently? I've been calling for you for like 3 minutes." The younger boy asked curiously as he sat down next to me on my bed.

"Jongho-ah...I think I fell for your noona."

hello! sorry I took so long to update :( been really busy with school

hope this chapter is okay, had to rush it TT

please do keep supporting this book and I will try to update asap!

~thedouble_a (7/8/20)

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