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Seonghwa's POV

I was so happy when Yunho told us about Y/n's plan to hang out but the boy's expression didn't go unnoticed by me. The way his facial expressions tensed almost instantly, boy was too obvious. Nonetheless, I went to my closet and pulled out the leather jacket that Y/n complimented before.


I was on my way to the ward with Jongho to pay his parents and Y/n a visit, hands full having grabbed food for us along the way there. Jongho knocked lightly on the door before opening, revealing a sleeping Y/n on the couch. I smiled lightly as I walked over to her small figure and sat myself next to her.

"Hey, Y/n. Jongho and I are here, wake up and eat something." I woke her up, gently shaking her shoulders. Her eyes fluttered open slowly, rubbing them as she tried to sober up. "Oh? Seonghwa oppa, hi. Where's Jongho?" Her drowsy voice asked softly as she looked around for her younger brother. "He went to get some drinks, he'll be back soon. Why were you sleeping here? You look so tired." I questioned, ruffling her hair.

"I AM TIRED!" She whisper-shouted, resting her head on my shoulder as I stiffened up a little at the sudden contact. "The company has been getting busy recently and I have been going back whenever I can." She mumbled and yawned right after, making me chuckle at her.

"You've worked hard." I said as I rubbed her back, her head still on my shoulder. "You're comfy. That's a nice leather jacket by they way, you look good in it." She complimented as she stood up, hearing her brother asking for someone to open the door before entering with his hands occupied by three cans.

End of Flashback

I smiled as I remembered that day, she's cute when she's sleepy.

Outing Day

Our group of nine walked to the nearest barbecue restaurant, with Y/n next to me. "I see you're wearing the leather jacket that I said looks good on you." She commented with a sweet smile, making my cheeks feel warm within seconds. "You remember? Of course, you have good taste so I trust you." I replied, looking at the front to hopefully hide my pink cheeks.

"You will look good in anything, oppa." This I'm really blushing. "Thanks Y/n-ah. I-" "HYUNG! I'm so excited about eating meat! How bout you?" I got cut off as an overly excited San hang himself around me, pushing me to the front of the group as he latched his arms around my shoulders.

We soon arrived at the restaurant and were about to get seated. I had wanted to sit next to Y/n but Yunho was quick as he slipped into the seat I was aiming for. San was about to take the seat in front of her when I cut in, taking it instead as he jokingly glared at me and sat next to Wooyoung at the other table while I smiled victoriously at him.

Trays of meat were served soon and I began grilling them, Yunho grabbing the extra pair of tongs. Seeing how he always gave Y/n the meat before anyone else with that sweet smile of his kind of ignited something in me, as I too started filling Y/n's plate with food and that caught Yunho's attention as his lips tightened into a line.

And that was how we kept repeating our actions, eyes keeping each other in check until Y/n stopped us. "Oh, sorry Y/n-ah." We apologised, finally noticing how much food was on her plate. "Do I really not exist? Why am I not getting more meat?" Jongho mumbled, sulking again as he stabbed at the few slices of meat he has, making us chuckle at his childish action.

"Eat up, Jongho-ah." Y/n said as she transferred some of her food to her brother's half empty plate. "Yeah, Jongho. Have more." I laughed, putting more meat on the youngest's plate who started munching while still grumbling something about how we were "biased hyungs". "We love you too, Jongho." Yunho snickered, putting slices of garlic on Jongho's plate, but stopped when our eyes met.

Sorry Yunho-ah, hyung ain't backing out for this.

hello! another chapter but a short one hehe

enjoy :)

~thedouble_a (8/9/20)

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