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Seonghwa's POV

It has been almost an hour since I was done taking a bath and Yunho and Y/n has left for the mart. I had even finished cleaning the kitchen in preparation for Y/n and I to cook, but they were still not back.

Yunho had looked so excited when he was waiting for Y/n's arrival and even more so when he dashed to grab his stuff before leaving for the mart, I could tell simply from his loud and quick footsteps.

He was so eager when he asked for my help to aid Y/n with her cooking, his eyes bright and pleading. All the members know how much I love a clean space and they wouldn't dare enter the kitchen without my permission, but somehow I had agreed to let Y/n use it. When Yunho had asked about it on behalf of Y/n, flashbacks of how Jongho treated the poor girl returned and how tears ran down her soft cheeks.

I smiled slightly as I thought about how she still managed to smile even though she was probably breaking down bit by bit on the inside, an unknown feeling stirring in my chest as my heart started pumping faster. It's probably pity, right?

Just then, I heard the sound of keys from the door as I stood up to open it, only to reveal Yunho and Y/n. The image of the both of them didn't calm my pounding heart, getting a little angry at how they had made me wait for so long. The two were panting slightly as they held onto bags of groceries.

"What took you guys so long?"

Y/n's POV

I was a little intimidated by the glaring Seonghwa in front of us as Yunho and I froze slightly while still panting from the brisk walk back. "That's why we rushed back?" Yunho said, slightly confused on why his hyung was looking rather irritated. "Hm, whatever. Now hurry up and put the things on the kitchen counter." Seonghwa instructed as we rushed in immediately.

"Yunho, you can go rest, wash up and prepare to leave for practice later." The older male spoke again, Yunho running off after wishing me luck. "Shall we begin now?" Seonghwa turning to face me this time, making me tense up a little. This was the first time I was left alone with him and also the first time I took a proper look at him; tall nose, pretty eyes and a perfectly sculpted face.

"Y/n, you good?" He asked with a raised brow, making me realize that I had been staring at him unconsciously. "Oh, y-yeah. I'm fine, let's start." I stuttered a little, my ears heating up a little.

"Hold on, you should put on an apron to prevent your clothes from being dirty." He muttered as he started rummaging the drawers for an extra apron, pulling out one that was similar to what he was already wearing. I reached out my hand, wanting to take the apron from him but instead he came closer towards me, putting the apron on for me.

I could feel his hot breath on my cheeks, making them heat up again. My ears are probably super red now, I feel them burning. I couldn't help but stare at his face which was just a couple inches away from mine, shifting them away only when he backed up. "All done, now we can start." He announced with a smile.

Seonghwa had instructed me to chop up the ingredients as he started preparing the chicken and soup base. I was cutting up some green onions when my mind started drifting off. I hope Jongho would enjoy my food...heck I would probably cry tears of joy if he even eats it. What if he rejects it? What if he rejects me yet again? I was so upset when he told me to leave every time he sees me. Does he hate me that much? Does he- "Ow!" I yelped as I felt a sharp pain from my finger, breaking me from my thoughts.

Tears had already unknowingly fallen from my eyes when I wasn't paying attention, now blood was oozing out from my finger. My cry had caught Seonghwa's attention as he dropped everything and rushed over, grabbing my injured hand into his. "Y/n! What happened? Are you okay? Does it hurt?" I could tell he was panicking at the sight of both my tears and blood, making me smile slightly at his concern.

"No, I'm okay. It just hurts a little." I said honestly, sniffling a little. "You're bleeding quite a lot, what were you thinking of? Clumsy girl." Seonghwa mumbled the last part of his sentence to himself but I had heard it.

"I'm not clumsy, I was just thinking." I answered vaguely, even though it was clear. "It's Jongho, huh?" I nodded, looking at his delicate fingers which had brought mine under running water, making me flinch a little.

Now guiding me towards the highchair next to the kitchen counter, he pushed me to sit on it gently before turning away to grab the first-aid kit. "I'm gonna start cleaning it now, it may sting a little." He warned softly, eyes meeting mine for a second. I whimpered slightly when he dabbed the alcohol on my cut, making Seonghwa chuckle a little. "Sorry, I will be more gentle." He smiled at me when he finally finished wrapping my finger in a band aid.

"About Jongho, I honestly don't know how he will react but we will be there for you. You can trust us, okay?" Seonghwa's voice was soft, just like his hands as he cupped my cheeks to brush my tears away with his thumbs. "Okay. Thank you, Seonghwa oppa." I cupped my mouth when I heard what I addressed him, flushing again. "What did you just call me?" Oh no, he heard.

"Sorry about that, I uh panicked?" My answer made his teasing grin widen, "I made you panic?". "Haha, maybe?" I laughed awkwardly, my eyes not knowing where to look. "It's alright, I was just kidding. It's only right you call me oppa too, you know? I am older than you." He winked and patted my head. He winked and I swore my heart may have stopped for a second. Seonghwa's face was still close to mine, neither of us moving back until someone cleared his throat.

"Yunho-ah, you're done?" Seonghwa asked the tall boy who had just joined us in the kitchen. "Yeah. You guys look busy." Yunho stated, his usual happy expression was replaced with a slight frown which was replaced with worry when he saw my injured finger. "Y/n, you're injured? Are you okay?" His voice laced with worry as he held my hands with his large ones. "I'm fine, Yunho-ah." I smiled softly at him, to which he returned immediately.

"Good. How's the food going?" He asked while walking towards Seonghwa, taking a peek at the cooking food. "It's almost done, we can leave soon." Seonghwa replied to Yunho's question, turning the stove off. "Are you ready to meet Jongho again, Y/n-ah?" Yunho asked, turning his focus back to me. "I don't have a choice, don't I?" I sighed, making the two boys chuckle a little while trying to assure me yet again.

Seonghwa moment this time!

also, its still Yeosang's birthday here so happy birthday to the precious hehetmon! (Also happy birthday to svt's Hoshi! Horanghaeeee)

Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!

~thedouble_a (15/6/20)

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