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Y/n's POV

There was obviously something going on between Seonghwa and Yunho during lunch, having no idea what was going on I decided to brush it aside. "I'M SO FULLLLL!" Wooyoung groaned out as he rubbed his tummy in circles, leaning back into the seat. "You're a fool, alright." Yeosang mumbled as he finished the last of his drink and it was fortunately unheard by the boy who had moved on to burping.

"What should we do next?" Hongjoong asked as he rest his chin on his palm. "Ice skating?! There's a rink nearby!" A very excited San clapped as he spoke, bouncing in seat and that was how we ended up ice skating.

"Y/n-ah, why do you look so nervous?" Yunho asked sitting next to me, wearing his skates as I stared blankly at mine. "I have erm never skated before." I whispered to him, slightly embarrassed as he chuckled. "No worries, shortie. Yunho is here to help you, just stay close to me." He saluted at me while laughing.

Suddenly, he kneeled in front of me, taking my skates from my lap and helped me put them on. "OH-oh Yunho-ah, it's fine! I can wear them myself, I'm old enough for that." I tied to stop him but to no avail, all he did was look up at me with that cute puppy-like smile of his, and it unknowingly made blood rush to my cheeks. Why does he always have to make me blush and feel all flustered...

"There, you're ready. Let's go?" He asked as he stood up, reaching his hand to me, signalling for me to take it. I absentmindedly stared at it, heart still fluttering from his actions until he pulled me with him instead.

We were on the ice rink and I stared at how everyone was having fun, chasing each other around the rather empty rink while I tried my best not to fall with Yunho holding my hands and guiding me patiently. "Sorry, Yunho-ah. You're here helping me instead of having fun with the others." I muttered sheepishly, looking down at my unsteady feet. "It's really okay, shortie. I am having fun with you. It's cute seeing you trying your best not to fall." He said, smiling that smile of his that I have grew to admire.

We began to slowly circle around the rink as I slowly got the hang of it amidst the laughing and occasional screams. "You're doing great! I'm going to let go now." Yunho said as his grip started loosening, making me panic and grabbing onto him again.

"No no no, what if I fall the moment you let go?" I said, holding onto his hands again tightly. "Y/n. You. Will. Be. Fine. I will still be here, I won't let you fall okay? I promise to catch you." He reassured me, bending down to meet my eyes. "Promise?" "Yes, I promise."

With that, he let go of me. "Omg, I'm standing on my own!" I exclaimed out of excitement, clapping at what I thought was a big achievement. "Good job! Now, skate over to me slowly." Yunho instructed as he backed up slowly, arms reached out towards me in case I fell.

Step by step, I pushed forward towards him, my smile growing with every step. Finally, I was just a few steps from reaching Yunho when loud shouting came from behind and it kept getting louder but I was too focused to turn back.

"Y/n! Be careful!" Seonghwa shouted from the center of the rink and that made me look back at the loud noises but it  was too late when San and Wooyoung, who were pushing each other, knocked into me, making me lose my balance as I got pushed and was unable to get my footing back in time. "Y/n!" I was bracing for the impact, waiting for the pain to hit me when I fall onto the ice. However, all I felt were a pair of strong arms holding me as I fell, landing onto something or should I say someone.

"Yunho! Are you okay?" I asked with worry lacing my tone at the boy who had cushioned my fall. "I'm okay, you?" He asked back, eyes scanning me for any sign of pain and his arms still wrapped tight around me. "Of course I'm fine! You could have gotten hurt, dummy!" I scolded him, scrambling to get up without hurting him. "I told you I wouldn't let you fall." He mumbled with a small smile, pushing himself up as he groaned.

"CHOI SAN! JUNG WOOYOUNG!" Seonghwa shouted as he chased after the two troublemakers who were fleeing for their lives, making Yunho and I laugh at the scene. "Hyung! Noona! You guys alright?" Jongho skated over with worry written all over his face as he helped Yunho to the bench.

"I'm okay, Jongho but this one over here, I don't think so." I answered my little brother who patted Yunho's shoulder. "Wells, he's your responsibility now noona. I shall go get revenge for you, hyung." Jongho laughed cheekily and returned to join Seonghwa in the chase.

We took off our skates and rested at the bench. "You sure you're okay? That was a pretty hard fall." I muttered, holding Yunho's arm. "Yeah, I just need to sit for awhile but Jongho is right. You're responsible of taking care of me now." He replied, masking his pain with a grin. "Yes, I will." I rolled my eyes at him jokingly, rubbing his back gently.

"Hey, now. That's not how you treat your benefactor, young lady." Yunho faked a stern voice as he crossed his arms and gave me a glare. "Sorry, young master." I bowed as I played along. "That's more like it." He nodded his head cockily, making eye contact with me before both of us burst into laughter.

"Really though, thank you for you know, 'saving' me. I was so scared of the pain that was about to come, but you're going through it instead. I owe you one." I thanked Yunho, still massaging his back but he grabbed my hands and held them in his huge ones, looking at me with his warm, brown eyes.

"I promised that I will catch you, didn't I? I will never let you get hurt." 

hey y'allllll im back again hehe with another Y/n X Yunho moment!

are you guys enjoying the story :) ? hope you are!

oh and have you guys seen Jongho's tweet with Wooyoung? THEY"RE SO CUTE :( a pouting jongho makes me tear up :')

oh and have you guys seen Jongho's tweet with Wooyoung? THEY"RE SO CUTE :( a pouting jongho makes me tear up :')

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have a good day/night everyoneee

~thedouble_a (11/9/20)

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