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Y/n's POV

A few days have passed since my visit and there were still no improvements, be it my parents' condition or with Jongho. I let out a muffled scream into my pillow, stressed. What should I do? Mom and dad are still in a coma and Jongho probably hates me. I stared at the ceiling, brain working hard as I tried to think of something I could do for Jongho.

Got it! I should cook something healthy for him. I thought, reaching out for my phone and started searching up recipes before settling on ginseng chicken soup since it was nourishing. However, I wasn't the best cook in town. My brows furrowing as I was met with an obstacle even before I've started. 'Yunho, are any of you good at cooking?' I decided to drop Yunho a text to seek help.

Thankfully, he replied quickly with a "Seonghwa hyung!' The weight on my shoulders lifted slightly, sitting up against the head rest of my bed. 'Could you ask him if he can help me with something?' I requested, the boy giving me his hyung's number instead and that was how I ended up with a cooking lesson the next day at their dorm.

"Welcome to ATEEZ's dorm!" Yunho bowed like a butler as he opened the door for me, his actions making me laugh as I stepped in. "There's only Seonghwa hyung and I here if you're wondering." He informed as I scanned the house which was surprisingly neat.

"Also, Seonghwa hyung is a clean freak." Yunho joked as if he could read my mind. "Let's go to the mart first to grab some ingredients." The tall boy said as he ran off to get his stuff before ushering me out.

"Jongho would like it right?" I asked Yunho softly, looking up towards the towering giant next to me. "I'm sure he would." He assured, hand automatically coming to my head again. "Do you have a habit of petting people on their heads or something?" I asked him, genuinely curious as he seems to do it to me often.

"Nah, it's because you're tiny." Yunho smirked teasingly, making me smack his arm jokingly with a pout. "Ouch! Yah, Y/n-ah it hurts!" He complained, mirroring the pout on my lips which faded away quickly as we both burst out in laughter.

Finally arriving at the mart, we combed through the different sections with a cart and grabbing everything we needed for the dish. "Yah yah, Y/n." Yunho suddenly called for me as he grabbed a pair of cucumbers and swinging them around. "I'm a nunchucks expert now, am I scary?" He said, beagle-like charms showing. "Pfft." I let out in defeat as he continued with his dorky actions, making me laugh every single time.

We stopped by the chips section once we were done with getting the ingredients, staying there longer than other areas. We were busy scanning the various rows for our favorite snacks when I found mine which was unfortunately at the top row which was far too high for me.

Getting on my tip toes, I reached out to try to reach the bag of chips. Not wanting to give up or ask for help, I tried a few times which all failed. I pouted slightly at the snack before reaching out again, flinching slightly when I felt a presence close behind me.

Turning my head slightly, I relaxed slightly knowing it was Yunho who easily grabbed the bag of chips with his tall height. "Shorty." He mumbled to himself with a small smile, but I heard him clearly due to the small distance between us. "What did you just call me?" I asked, trying to look as angry as I could. "Shorty. Kiddo." Yunho whispered playfully, bending down to meet my eye level and that was when I realized how close we were as I felt his breathe fan my nose.

Flustered, I couldn't say a word as my heartbeat sped up and I could feel my cheeks heat up slowly. Snapping out of the trance, I slapped his chest softly to push him back with a click of my tongue and walked towards the cashier.

"Are you angry?" The boy asked as he followed behind me while dragging the cart behind him. I ignored him on purpose as I quickened my steps towards the counter. "Awww, shorty Y/n ish angwee." He said teasingly, making me turn my head away to prevent him from seeing me trying not to laugh. "Ahhhh, don't ignore me Y/n-ah! Fine, I'm sorry." The giant whined, pushing me to my limit as I let out a loud laugh which he joined in soon.

"It's nice seeing you laugh but you look cute when you're angry, or least when you're trying to." His sudden compliment made my blood rush towards my cheek again, this time getting noticed by him. "Oh? Is Y/n blushing now?" Yunho continued teasing me while I distracted myself by bringing the items up onto the cashier counter. "Yunho, help." I spoke, getting shy from the attention I was receiving from him. "Okay." He poked my cheek one last time before helping with the items.

"You two are a cute couple." The lady behind the counter commented suddenly, making my eyes widen and I was about to deny when Yunho cut me off. "Thank you! Have a nice day." His words made me shoot a glare at him, firing another slap onto his arm. "What was that for?" I questioned, making him raise his arms in defense. "We're running late, we don't have the time to explain to her." He stated as we rushed back to the dorm to see a grumpy Seonghwa opening the door, glaring at us.

"What took you guys so long?"

a little yunhoXreader moment here!

Yunho is really perfect boyfriend material <3

~thedouble_a (14/6/20)

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