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Day of Trip

Y/n's POV

It has been a week since the whole soup incident and it was finally the day we were going for the trip; a trip to the countryside. I was still surprised that Jongho had actually agreed to go on it, knowing that I would be there.


"Y/n-ah, I've discussed with the other members and we've decided that we should all go on a trip so that we could all spend some time together, especially Jongho and you!" Seonghwa chirped excitedly, I could imagine his smile on the other side of the line.

"A trip? Will Jongho be okay with it?" I asked nervously, catching Yunho's attention as he scooted closer to me while I put my phone on speaker mode. "He is! We were surprised too, Jongho didn't protest to it as much as we thought he would. It did take a bit of convincing but all is fine! How's Yunho by the way?" The older's voice grew worried in a flash with the question. "I'm better now, hyung." Yunho answered with a slight chuckle and soon Seonghwa had hung up the call.

"Yunho! Can you believe it? Jongho is willing to go on a trip with us, with me! He's giving me a chance." I smiled widely, clapping my hands at the pleasant news. "I know, isn't that great! Jongho probably feels bad about your hands, he did look quite guilty when you stormed out."

Just thinking about it made me embarrassed, making me groan. "Please don't remind me of that anymore." I sighed as the male reached out for my still bandaged hands. "Does it still hurt?" He asked quietly, staring at my small hands in his. "It's alright now. You should be worrying about yourself." I retorted at the boy who was still sick, receiving a laugh as a response.

End of flashback

I was waiting for them to pick me up when a knock was heard from my door, making me sprint towards it with my bag in my hand. "Oh? J-Jongho?" I was speechless seeing my brother at the door. "They forced me to come get you, hurry up." His voice was cold but his hand snatched my bag away from me, making me smile at his clumsy act.

"Also, I agreed on this trip because I wanted to spend time with the hyungs and to rest. It doesn't mean I accept you, so do not bother me." Jongho spoke without looking at me as I mumbled an 'okay' while still smiling, happy just because he was talking to me without raising his voice.

The members greeted me enthusiastically as I sat myself next to the now recovered Yunho who flashed a bright smile at me. "How are you, giant?" I asked playfully. "The giant is okay, I'm big and strong for a reason." He boasted as Jongho boarded, taking the only empty seat in the vehicle which was next to me.

As the car sped up, so did the members' chatter as they started singing and bickering. I stayed quiet, watching them with a smile which grew wider when I heard Jongho singing along with Wooyoung and San. Since I found out about Jongho, I have been listening to their songs and I especially enjoy Jongho's singing.

Yunho seemed to have noticed as he nudged me with his elbow, "Our maknae sings well, doesn't he?" He asked softly. "He really does." I whispered back with an approving nod as we continued with the not-so-peaceful ride.

After a long, noisy ride, we had finally arrived at our destination. "Jongho-ah, you help Y/n with her bag." Seonghwa ordered the youngest who gave a slight glare but still complied either way, grabbing both his and my bag. "Thank you." I muttered softly but he still caught it, humming in response as he placed my bag on the bed and left me alone in my room to unpack.

"Someone's in a good mood." A voice at the door caused me to jump, earning a laugh from the culprit. "Oppa, please don't scare me like that." I placed my hand on my chest to calm my pounding heart as he walked in with his arms raised. "I didn't expect you to get shocked so easily." He laughed, plopping himself on my bed.

"Anyways, I just wanted to apologize to you on behalf of Jongho. He has been very rude towards you and we've tried to fix it yet he doesn't seem to see your true intentions but since he agreed on this trip, it's an improvement. Do your best, Y/n-ah. The other members are all rooting for you, don't let us down okay?" His tone softened as he spoke, words sincere.

"I know and I will never give up, don't worry about that. Thank you, Hongjoong oppa."

a filler chap hehe sry I haven't had any ideas on what to write recently but I'll try to make the next chaps btr!


okay I shall seeyall soon :)

~thedouble_a (29/6/20)

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